My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Pixel Pro Photography Exclusive

Funny Picture

December 7, 2011



 Hey, Man!

Anything goes!

It’s Comedy time for Pixel Pro.

Ever dream this man?  Nope

Is He a photographer? Yeap!

Is He a dedicated singer? Yeap!  

Is He a  graceful dancer? Yeap!

Is He our Super….man?  Off course!

                                  (click on image to view larger) 


This man jumps off  the top of  Leaning Tower all the way down just to get his  RM50.00 back, blown away  by the wind. ( Knowing H e will survive the ordeal and might be thinking,  He gets better after the impact. LOL!  A little bit closer to the ground and, this man would be one dead man!  Opppps!  This is a  photograph that would leave the readers  laughing.

This is for entertainment purposes only. Do not try and use the moves at home.

To the Conservative Readers  and the Grammatarians >  I  used the words commonly known as text-messaging words; OMG= Oh my God, and  LOL– laugh out loud (abbreviation)   a popular online  chatting and text messaging for teenagers, for easy understanding, and quick to write that  goes well with this comedy, thus, not to imitate  because it will kill our language. I also used the words, ‘‘Yeap’‘,  an alternative of Yup, means ”Yes is a fun slang for buddies.  Also the ‘‘Nope” word, means No, is also a slang.

Note: About the subject: (Pixel Pro Photography  Club member)

@Copyright  All rights reserved. No part of my work may be be reproduced, photocopying, and recording any information storage without any written permission from the author.

  1. lolssssssssssssssssss! I also need money. I like this picture! you made me laugh to death to read all funny comments too.he.he hehe…fun lollll.

  2. Yepeeee! at last, You’ve posted a comedy series! u can definitely write different topics. i love your post! Ha.ha.hah

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