My special edition of ”Summer Photography”
One day old flower is a pristine beauty opening into perfection and it shines at night, it glows,”Glowing in the dark”.These tiny wildflower is of circular shape with a thin delicate petals which is distinctly attractive in whiteness but, it is not scented.However, it looks natural with their own petals and pistil.
I have captured these flowers late in the afternoon and it was delicately shot for several reasons, the petals will only be alive and unfold for 5 hours,it was a short-hour flowers.Secondly,the stem is soft but,you cannot re-do positioning the flowers all over again to avoid bruising the surface,it makes the white petals dirty which can easily be seen that will give fatal results. Thirdly, I was in a rush to take the shot before the wind comes,when strong wind blew, the petals started to fall naturally.Keeping the flowers fresh will give a good result and it looks lovely with the natural dark background.
I have tried different shooting modes; vivid color, color swap, color accent, monochrome, and foliage.It was a fun colour adventure especially the coolness of green,pink,purple, and yellow.Some effects gives cleaner and clearer effect.Whatever it may be, the beauty of the natural flower flows vividly,it was a colour feast on its own.
Note: More ”Glowing in the dark images next post. Check the result again soon.