My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Travel and Adventure

Feeling of Love in Romantic Setting

April 11, 2014

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Love feeling that takes place in romantic setting

Low clouds and afternoon mist provides dramatic effect before the sunset. A young man sitting alone serves to highlight the colorful shadow before sundown. What is the young man doing in this area? No one bothered him except me for a few moment chat with him. What brought you here? And he replied,”Just to see the sunset’’  What is so special about the sunset?  He answered, It gives refreshing mood away from hectic school schedules and assignments. 

For few questions, I’d like to get a possibility from him to open a love story but,I refrain myself from asking too many questions because it might be awkward to answer such things. There was no early arrangement made to interview since it was only a chance meeting. He was busy texting while talking. I guess, curiosity made me so, he’s here to release all his worries. After having him talked as he wished, he left holding his mobile on hand. With just a few steps away, He turned his back and said, I think, I’m already in love! Ohhh! that’s the point I’ve been waiting for…

How could you forget something just as for me to repeat his name as he walk away.. I can recall other details with the facts that came in the corner of just a short conversation.It seems to be a typical love story revolving around teenagers of today.

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An outdoor experience. A good setting where you can get more hours to refresh and think about what the next move.

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Beautiful scenery, Manila Bay along Roxas Blvd.

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I agree, this is the perfect place to relax but, if you ask me to relate the atmosphere here, I can just describe it as a lonely daybreak. I mean, at least, you must have a meaningful smile even if hectic school assignment arises! It’s just a part of education and for you to learn and grow up!

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Looks like a solitaire but I don’t see any grim expression on his face.No matter what we go through life, to love and to be loved, it’s meant to make life worth living.

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Far from the buzz of the university crowd. Sometimes, It’s more calm and peaceful to be with yourself for awhile.

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Among my favorite places to go, I really believed this place is the best refreshing area that’s why I was also here at that time.

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How wonderful to view the same area at this time of the day. It’s makes a big difference if you stay home and enclosed yourself to a room with only 4 wall corners to view every time. That would be very boring, isn’t it?

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Taken 30 minutes before the sunset.

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This refreshing sight is a wonder of nature. If you see these scenic views you’ll forget all your worries and what lies beyond… It would be a meaningful experience to view the sunset. It will help you appreciate and understand Mother Nature. And you? How do you refresh yourself? and where?

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