My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Recipes for busy moms/Fruits/Desserts/Salad/Decorative Ideas

Rattan Fruit Tasting Experience

By on April 16, 2021

My second time to taste rattan fruit and hoping that this time will seduce my tongue. Once again, let’s see if I can tolerate it. I think it’s one of the best fruits to eat during COVID-19 Pandemic because sour fruits usually rich in Vitamin C. This would be my tasting review the second time around. I can remember my first tasting experience was memorably terrible. Golly! it was incredibly sour that I couldn’t take.

Rattan fruit is a beige scaly fruit (fish-like scale) an oval fruit like lanzones or langsat. It tastes like combination of strong vinegar and green lime.

A good friend of mine gave me these fruits with other kinds such as lemons and pineapples. I was forced to taste it again since it was already there. I first picked up the rattan fruit, it seems interesting to try once more. I took one and my first bite, can’t finish the whole thing, Yakks! Strange and mysterious sour, it seems my eyeballs popped out from its socket. I had mentioned it once and again, it was so terrible. I felt a sharp pain through my tongue and decided to throw it away but with a last- minute looks, I’ve saved it and dry under the sun because into my mind, it looks good for home decoration. I ‘ve kept inside the clear glass jar. Holaa! it is good on the table better than to taste and love it as a good fruit. I will never taste these fruits again.. I swear!

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Events/ Holidays/ Special Occasions | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Technology/ Learning Tips

Sweet Love and Good Luck 2021

By on February 14, 2021

This year 2021 is a double festive event the ”Chinese New Year” (February 12) and ”Valentine’s day” (February 14), merging altogether sweet love and good fortune to start the year right although this year is a different one because of the existing economic crisis brought by the pandemic and COVID-19 restrictions. The opening to normal life is very slow and uncertain, we don’t celebrate it the way we used to do in the past but It’s safe to celebrate at home with sweet and delicious simplicity.

 If you prefer indoors at least you can move and enjoy more, you can serve at-home delicious dinner or just order out, you can also arrange DIY Valentine craft decors. Safety and health our prime responsibility. When you won’t be able to get-together in all ways, it would be better to send best greetings online and meaningful chat on screen, this would be more meaningful for both parties to be safe.

Wishing you all Happiness and Prosperity, Give Love and be  Loved, ”Happy Valentine’s Day and Happy Chinese New Year”

February 12, 2021 is Chinese New Year, the ‘’Year of the Ox’’ it signifies the hardworking trait, this is a good symbol that will help us through the pandemic season, it is also a symbol of spring and agriculture in Chinese art. Ox is compatible with people of rat, snake and rooster zodiac signs.

Thanks for reading my blog!

Stay Safe and Healthy!

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Real Life Story/ Advanced Prostate Cancer

By on February 4, 2021

My hands are shaking, my eyes are filling with tears and a variety of tremors are interfering with my ability to write but I feel compelled to write about my experience. These current circumstances are not promising. No one can predict the future. Nonetheless, I’m trying to keep an optimistic mindset and not freak out as the clock winds down. I keep telling myself to put up a brave front and carry on as though nothing has changed.

My husband’s issue began about midnight, he was uncomfortable and restless that night. He claimed that he was having trouble peeing and that, only a dribble was coming out. He enters and exits a comfort room every ten minutes. He was also having trouble walking thereafter, as though the right leg had become tight.

When morning arrived, I wasted no time in bringing him to the hospital for an urgent check-up directly to the urologist. The doctor conducted a rectal examination and right away, the doctor felt a firm lump which led to the suspicion that it was a prostate cancer. It was terrible and felt like the entire world had collapsed on me. It was a major setback as we were both surprised. I am speechless. Beforehand, we arrived with the understanding that it would simply be a urinary track infection.

Immediately, his doctor recommended a biopsy the following day, the legitimate outcome to identify malignant growth. The biopsy result ”Grade 5 Advanced Prostate Cancer” with a Gleason score of 9. The outcome was so discouraging and painful that it destroyed any little optimism I had.

Followed by a nuclear imaging test, a bone scan at St. Luke’s Medical Center Global city to check for a number of bone problems. I hoped and prayed for a good outcome and the result, increased activity seen in T8 right ilium and left, shoulder, joints, etc. on bone scan or skeletal scintigraphy report.

The time for the next scan had already been set, the CT scan was to determine the extent of cancer spread and to locate tumors and masses with pinpoint accuracy. The result were already disheartening and the delay in announcing the findings just made things worse. Malignancy was suspected in many areas, including the urinary bladder, liver, kidneys, hepatic lobes (segments 11, 11, and 1v), sigmoid diverticulum, and esophagus.

The cancer has already spread to other organs by the time it is detected. I cried out of disappointment. I pray it’s not an aggressive form of cancer but with modern methods of diagnosis and prevention, I know there’s still hope. When cancer has spread to other parts of the body, it requires more intensive care. I know that once it reaches an advanced stage, it won’t be cured and the chance of survival decreases dramatically and that scares me.

Cancer treatment is already complicated by the COVID-19 Pandemic breakout, you have to worry about adhering to the hospital’s health protocols as you receive increasingly extensive palliative care.

We continue to make treatment decisions as a team and he just completed Antigen Deprivation Therapy the doctor had recommended as a crucial step in halting the spread of cancer. What will work best for him among the available treatments is still unclear. From that point forward the next step is an infusion for possible skeletal issues. In addition to these, the doctor prescribed oral prostate medications, all of which are expensive treatments for advanced prostate cancer; bicalutamide bicapros (BiCAPS), abiraterone acetate (Abiraterone), and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). Our problem here is the risks associated with oral and intravenous cancer treatments are now my primary concern.

This time around, I appealed to God in prayers frantically seeking God’s help and guidance since I was associated with bad hopes and emotionally needy. It was terrifying not knowing what to anticipate as the cancer spread but we’re determined to finish the treatment course in the hopes of saving his life. The final phase, the expected lifespan is a terrifying prospect. Do you know how much longer my husband has to live? I find myself wondering, “Is this all a dream?” If so, someone rouse me! It scared me to the point where I thought the cruel thing would be death.

Meanwhile, we’re doing our best to carry on as if nothing has changed and we’re committed to being there for one other no matter what the future brings with expectations that the remaining time will be blissful.

When I was alone myself and worried too much, I resorted to the internet and read about other people’s experiences with the same or comparable health problems. There’s nothing to be done but to accept what life has already predetermined.

I need to be resilient in order to tend to his requirements which includes keeping a close eye on his diet and only feeding him nutritious options (and doing the same for myself). I’m mustering all my might so that we can have a peaceful evening with our children. Spending time with loved ones is the best thing we can do at this time. I just need to be more compassionately patient and God will take care of the rest. I’m interested in hearing from people who have gone through a similar experience.

In spite of everything, at this pivotal time, being with my children makes me feel like I’m not alone and gives me hope for the future. I am grateful for the love and care shown to me by my closest friends and mentors who helped me figure out what to do and what to expect in the most difficult of times. I’d like to express my gratitude to my family, my siblings, my friends, my classmates, and my best best friend nearby. I appreciate it a lot. I write this in the hopes that it would give hope to others, especially those who have been through something similar.

Note: For more> MG life, works and writings, Follow me Twitter, Facebook page and Instagram

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Events/ Holidays/ Special Occasions | Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Happy Halloween 2020

By on October 30, 2020

Halloween may not look quiet the same this year for the kids, it would be a different one. It’s a NO NO to a party, NO spooky costume and NO pumpkin carols but still we can celebrate it at home with some spooky ideas.

This year’s theme goes well with a greater sense of purpose in connection with nature, I love gardening, my most pleasurable activity, the most relaxing during quarantine. For my Halloween accent, not so creepy as you think, it’s miniature garden props.  

It’s about time to take a look into my spooky and creepy skull pots, a Halloween indoor planter.

My skull pots are cute decorative pots that can become plants new home, it is good for cactus, succulents and other mini plants.

I don’t like the creepy outdoor decorations like the white ghost, skeletons, zombies and witches that keeps me up at night, it scares me!

How about you? How do you celebrate the spookiest time of the year?

Anyway, Enjoy the fright night!

Happy Halloween Everyone!

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My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Recipes for busy moms/Fruits/Desserts/Salad/Decorative Ideas

Weird-Shaped Radish

By on October 26, 2020

It’s unusual to come across veggies that are outfitted with peculiar characteristics, and the sight of a completely white radish with an atypical form is an interesting example. Vegetables can develop into a strange bizarre form due to environmental conditions, and most farmers have to deal with this kind of difficulty at some point throughout harvest season.

In the same family as turnips and mustard, radishes are among the simplest plants to cultivate for their peppery edible roots. The giant winter variety and the long variations are the two sorts of radishes available. Grown for use in salads and vegetable soup, usually eaten while they are fresh and tender.

Other radish produced strangely funny features but remarkably unusual. It’s quiet amusing! My best example, the long variety in form which is common in the supermarket. Instead of growing long and straight, it produces unusual course and abnormal fibrous in form.

These vegetables are a comical gag gift that look like a human limb has been split in half when there is an issue with their growth.

 Thank you for stopping by, I love to share funny vegetable features.

Stay safe and healthy!

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My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Recipes for busy moms/Fruits/Desserts/Salad/Decorative Ideas | Shakes, Juices and Smoothies

Fresh Fruits in a Cocktail Glass

By on October 24, 2020

Serving whatever you have on hand is the most laid-back method to host guests. There’s no need to scramble to come up with a meal idea; just open the fridge and pull out whatever gives you the most energy. I’m sure they’d appreciate a plate of fresh, healthy fruits as they arrived, and any variety of fruit is always on hand and ready to be presented.

The good thing about serving fruits? It can be ready in a matter of minutes and is an excellent way to get your daily dose of vitamins and minerals. The option for today is healthy and delicious. Serving fruits in cocktail glasses isn’t my normal procedure, but when time is of the essence due to a rush, I always go for it! Self-prepared fresh fruits have no equal, and they only take around 10 to 15 minutes to prepare, requiring no cooking on your part.

Heart-shaped Watermelon

Fill your fridge and table with as many different kinds of fruit as possible. You can often tell which fruit flavor goes best with which by experimenting with different combinations. I have experimented with combining fruits of varying flavors and textures, as well as arranging fruit slices in a wide variety of containers, including bowls, plates, cups, boats, and cocktail glasses.

To ensure a clean cut, I used a paring knife because it is lighter and more manageable than a regular knife. The fruits should have a high concentration of sweetness and aroma for the best possible mix.

Note : When buying fruits ,make a good selection of family favorites. It must be firm, free of bruises and fresh.

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Stunning Mating Butterflies

By on October 15, 2020

Seeing the monarch butterflies, my first morning guests, mating was a lovely surprise. You’ve probably never seen something like this before—a mass migration of insects.

Take a closer look of my macro subject, this is a rare shots you need to see at least once.

Attempting a few close-ups will make every flaw visible, as well as making the butterflies look much bigger than they actually are.

Okay, guys! Until my next post, take care! I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog.

Take care and Goodnight

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My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Recipes for busy moms/Fruits/Desserts/Salad/Decorative Ideas | Shakes, Juices and Smoothies

Home Cooking during Pandemic

By on October 12, 2020

Note: This is the continuation of my blog, ”Home Cooking during Coronavirus Pandemic”

Home cooking during this season offers another marvelous opportunity to cook more and to eat more, it’s a day entirely dedicated to enjoying home-cooked meals. These days, planning a meal for the family is simple, but it can be difficult to accommodate everyone’s preferences. As a result, many households end up preparing more than one meal at the same time, which results in more time spent cooking.

The pandemic has made it more difficult for everyone to go out and shop, as there are now more factors to think about (such as the best days to go out shopping) and less readily available food. Due to a rise in the number of home cooks, both experienced chefs and those just starting out are finding themselves short on staple ingredients. Thank goodness there are plenty of grocery stores close by. Because I am alone in the kitchen, I have to work quickly when time is of the essence and I need to get dinner on the table as soon as possible. By planning meals in advance or the day before and taking advantage of a few shortcuts, I save not only time but money as well. The high price of food is beyond my means. I always choose the cheapest option.

Since the pandemic began, my life has taken a turn for the worse, and I often feel hopeless about the future. I’m sure I’m not the only one who shudders at the thought of what comes after a pandemic; in preparation for it, I’ve been extra careful ever since, and I even made some rules for the house to ensure that everyone stays healthy and safe. Like all mothers, I have to enforce strict rules at home.

No matter what the norm of the future turns out to be, the food we eat every day won’t change. Home-cooked meals are unparalleled. I feel closer to my family now that I have experienced a true taste of home. Agreed, it’s a pleasure to prepare a meal for a loved one.

Here are my tried and true family meals during the pandemic

At home, I served two different types of recipes, along with a soup or salad as an appetizer. In order to maintain a healthy diet, I focus on selecting foods that are high in the essential nutrients. In an effort to model healthy eating behaviors for my children, I prepare vegetables on a daily basis. Creating special versions of dishes we eat on a regular basis is one of the ways I try to brighten my family’s day and communicate my love and concern to them through the medium of food.

My before and after cooking pictures


If I’m going to cook, I want the scent to permeate the entire house; believe me when I say that it almost always gets everyone in the family gathered around the table right away.


Here’s one I prepared earlier, it’s a Classic Morcon a dish that is well-liked by all. I usually make extra food so that I can save some for the next day or keep some on hand for a quick dinner the day after that. Also, I like to have something ready to go for lunch the day after that. Since it is a meal that has already been prepared, heating it up on the weekend will be relatively simple.

Before/After pictures of Mango Float

Mango Float, an icebox cake layered with fresh ripe mangoes, graham crumbs, condensed milk, and, of course, the Alaska Crema whipped cream, is a cold delights dessert. Making this sweet treat is a breeze.

Before/After Pictures

Cholesterol Free Pancake with fresh fruits for breakfast. My cholesterol-free pancake routine is getting boring, so I’m going to switch things up by adding fresh fruit. When we make our own breakfast, I can control what goes into my family’s food.

Before/After cooking pictures of Garlic Buttered Crabs

We prefer male crabs because their larger claws hold more white meat, but the female crab’s meat, especially the orange fat they call “aligue,” is tastier in my opinion.

Before/After pictures of Oysters omelette

My Oyster Omelette is a wonderful addition to the table, and because it is so simple to make, it is an excellent choice for a speedy meal on hectic days. I purchased these oysters at SM Supermarket, where they were contained in a transparent plastic brick and priced appropriately. When shopping for oysters at the grocery store, it is important to be aware of the different types available and determine which ones are best suited for cooking. Oysters purchased there are safe to consume, but when I go to the wet market, I always make sure to ask the vendors there where the oysters originate because this is a common question. I don’t buy oysters or any other shellfish that comes from Cavite waters because I just think they are dirty. The red tide poisoning that comes from Cavite oysters is extremely dangerous. Oysters can be obtained in an easy and risk-free manner by purchasing them from supermarkets; however, they need to be cooked on the same day that they are purchased.

Easy Beef Nachos our favorite snack.

My homemade Assorted Fruit Shakes and Smoothies

I love surprises! This is something a little special to serve.

Pineapple-Pear Shake

Kiwi-Strawberry Shake

There is nothing better than foods that have been cooked at home, especially when the kitchen is in charge. It takes a little bit of patience to achieve great results when using any of my cooking methods, whether they are modern or traditional. However, this is all worth it in order to make our house a better place….

I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog. Maintain your safety and good health.

Take care and Goodnight fellas!

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Events/ Holidays/ Special Occasions | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Recipes for busy moms/Fruits/Desserts/Salad/Decorative Ideas

Mid-Autumn Festival / Mooncake Festival 2020

By on October 1, 2020

My greetings to all Chinese worldwide

”Happy Mid-Autumn Festival”

It’s time again to celebrate the brightest full moon of the year, the ”Mooncake Festival also known as Mid-Autumn Festival” it falls on this day Thursday October 1, 2020. In Hongkong and Singapore it is also referred to as a celebration of harvest and ”Lantern festival” Every year on the 15th day of the 8th month of Lunar calendar Chinese countries such as China, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia and all countries throughout East and Southeast Asia celebrated this important event.

Today, fellow Chinese families will gather to celebrate the moon fest with good luck food, family reunion, moon gazing and it is already a tradition to go out in the evening to admire the brightest full moon of the year while partaking their favorite mooncake and it is usually accompanied by a tea. This is also a romantic time for lovers, they usually stay up late to view the dramatic full moon outdoors.

This year 2020 would be a different celebration because of travel restrictions and to practice social distancing, not to gather in groups but still celebration will go on as long as you ‘ll legally take safety measures.

Wishing you all good health and safety!

Mooncake is a sweet Chinese delicacy usually rounded in form contains a thin or thick pastry including the yolk of salted duck eggs to symbolize the moon. The sweet filling is made from red bean paste, mung bean paste, lotus paste to name a few..

Versions of Mooncakes

Mooncake with sesame

Other versions depends on the Chinese country you’re in.

Thanks for reading my latest blog!

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Recipes for busy moms/Fruits/Desserts/Salad/Decorative Ideas

Rare Pink Atis or Sugar Apples

By on September 28, 2020

Sugar Apple or Annona Squamosa, a tropical fruit in the Philippines with a pink or green heart-shaped fruit with pronounced green scales. Widely considered wild fruits thrive rapidly in any types of soil, grown from seed and can be planted in rough corners of the garden, it also looks attractive outdoors bearing many fruits at the same time and the tree never become tall enough with no disturbance to other plants. It is well adjusted even in a small spaces, the garden doesn’t need to be spacious to plant this kind of fruit.

I was so excited to discover the first fruit of an atis grown in our own backyard, it’s a pink Thailand variety, the fruit tree was abundant. Thailand varieties are much larger and far more luscious than the native ones.

My First harvest, pink in color with no bruises and black spots at all. The sweet taste is refreshing especially when it is cold but the most intriguing is to see the scaly- rough skin and the fruit itself contain numerous seeds. I’ve collected more than 15 seeds from one medium Atis alone.

Freshy-picked, you can see the internal parts, the creamy white in color of the flesh and the big stalk inside. From the picture itself, you can now imagine how many seeds inside it. To eat this kind of fruit, you need to be patient to remove the seeds however, it’s worth to taste the sweetness.

One thing good about picking fruits in your own backyard, well assured to be guaranteed fresh, clean and first hand to touch it. I’ve reduced and produced my expenses for fruits growing in our own backyard, it’s a big help and the excitement to get up early to pick the fruits is a blessing!

Atis tree continuously bearing fruits all year round, indeed, it is designed for our weekly consumption throughout the year, I just hope the tree will live longer.

When Picking Atis

Fruits can be left on trees until fully ripe or you can pick it after maturity, that is, if you know the indicator of maturity, you wait 2 days after picked up. If you have this kind, the only problem after maturity, birds and bats present a big problem in growing sugar apples and maybe necessary to cover the fruit before ripening time.

When buying Atis

Having bruises and black spots is not good, just represents how many people have touched it. Blackening of scales makes the fruit dirty and annoying to see, much as safer to buy a fresh one and the first hand.

Take care everyone, see you next posts

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