Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Travel and Adventure


By on April 23, 2014

After my 3 days vacation in Tagaytay, one of the best features that I will highlight here is the Sunflower field. It’s not that hard to find this common kind because it is wild form. As you know, sunflowers can withstand the dry conditions of the soil. I’ve noticed that sunflower grow and spread faster especially if the space is not limited.

With the rich soil and temperate climate of Tagaytay, all the subdivision vacant plots was loaded with these flowers and some growing salad vegetables.  Exploring the farm under full bright sun makes me feel exhausted, the heat of the sun was so intense that makes my skin bit darker. However, the sky clouds seemingly low and blue in color, thought it would make a beautiful background to produce lovely shots.

Gardening was much improved over the years, the presence of different species of flowering plants and wild forms have flourished.  If you follow the routes going to the tropical forest, you’ll discover unique varieties with wide range and colors.

Sunflower produces wide golden-yellow blooms which is abundant throughout summer. From the name itself, of course, sunflower is a summer flower that loves the sun. Attractive as it looks, big lovely splash of golden-yellow petals makes the best decorative background in the farm. For me, every garden must have the wild side, the attendance of wild sunflowers must be present for the garden to look brilliantly natural.

Would love to take home some, I want a sunflower garden of my own. I’ve collected some dried sunflowers so I can get seeds from it. Sunflowers can be raised from seeds. I’ll bring it home and scatter those seeds in the garden.

Here are some of the photos I took during the first day of my vacation there. Lets get started!

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Nature’s view, it was wild and lovely in full golden yellow.

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Wild blooms, rows of yellow wild and free.

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You can see here, the clear view, beside the field is a summer house.

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Sky viewing with the sunflowers. I feel like cutting these flowers, it would probably  looks lovely over my left ear. 

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Here’s catching higher view, the sunflower plant is taller than me. 

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  I’ve seen sunflowers around so many instances but, closer distance makes the difference.

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I have to raise my camera in order to include the sky background.

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Wide spread, my individual photo of sunflower.

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How I wish to pick up some for  my vases but, I didn’t bring any gardening tools, the  stem was so hard.

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I’ve seen giant sunflowers so many other instances but closer distance makes a big difference, you can touch it and see closer to the pollinating insects nearby.

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I’m glad ,all shots came up to be beautiful, the clear blue sky make candid shots to bring out the beauty of the sunflowers.I hope you’ll like it. More garden flowers of Tagaytay next, my journey continues next posts.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography


By on April 10, 2014

We call it ”Gumamela”, a common kind of flowers grown in the Philippines. The most popular one is the Chinese Hibiscus which is red in color and generally the ”Rose of China”.Today, there are many varieties of hibiscus to choose from, all different in colors sizes and texture. We also have the single type and the doubled flower of every size and shape. Some hibiscus was discovered growing wild in tropical regions. These are sun loving flowers, they can tolerate high levels of light and the kind of flowers found throughout the year in any garden or in native habitat. Always seen around because it’s extremely easy to grow in any types of soil. Here are some photos of hibiscus flowers taken during my free time. 

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects


By on April 3, 2014

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Phalaenopsis Amabilis,  a shade loving  orchids with clear white flowers. Grown under the tree, there’s no direct sunlight which is favorable to these type of orchids. I just love that  lavish blooms in clusters.

We have had a collection of orchids like;  Cattleya, Miltonia, Phalaenopsis and particularly the Odontoglossum. Some rare species of hybrids, the most popular and common ones but, I don’t know why they disappeared one after the other. Others grown in fir slabs, pots for my window decorations, baskets and  coconut trunk.

I think, I have failed to give continuously the special attention of caring and watering or might be over-watering.  I noticed every time the presence of mould, circular marks and black dried spots on the leaves that quickly spreads throughout  killing the whole plant. Is it a virus infection? I don’t know. I cannot even distinguished which one was attacked by virus and sunburn, the sign looks almost the same.  Sometimes I was thinking of our location, it might be too hot, that makes it very hard for them to reach the required temperature.

Of course, I know the basic requirements but the problem is the irregularity of watering and sometimes it’s over-watering. I was too busy for other things every time then, it’s only now that  I have the interest again to care for some flowering plants. It’s summer, Is it the right time to start? What do you think? Which one is suitable and which one is not? I need help!

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It’s an outdoor orchids, these one is clinging to the tree trunk that serves as convenient support.

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If ever I will collect again, just to make sure I will choose the species suitable to the kind of atmosphere here.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | Wildlife/Animals/Pets


By on March 26, 2014

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Private hawk moth

The kind of moth that will come as something of a surprise, it’s another night flyer, a private hawk moth  found  near the garden decorative light. Just like other moths, I guess this moth was attracted to the garden lights. I’ve observed that  hindwing is more attractive and colorful than the forewing.  I’ve never seen one like this before. You can only see the color of the hindwings while flying. That makes it completely different to that of the butterfly, the butterfly forewing and hindwing colors are the same. I simply believed, our garden here is a natural one housing all different kinds of insects. Perhaps, without these insects, it wouldn’t be a garden anymore.

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The private hawk moth hindwing is partly hidden. You can see the dark pink and light pink dotted combination of the hindwings.

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The natural color of the forewings.

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Events/ Holidays/ Special Occasions | Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects


By on March 18, 2014

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Roses, as highly recommended during Valentine’s day, it’s the time of the year that million of rose lovers throughout the planet remember their favorite presents for their loved ones. If not chocolates or  cute stuffs, it’s roses because majority prefer fragrant flowers as a gift. Giving such, is particularly appreciated. It creates an attitude of praise between the sender and the receiver.

How it works? Let’s make a bit review.The sender wants the best gift to represent the character side and nature of the receiver that she’s lovely and sweet. These flowers will represent and reveal the exact personality of the receiver. It speaks for it. However, on the other side, the receiver simply thinks that the sender is not only thoughtful and loving as well. It will reciprocate the same admiration to both sides.

It’s a practice believed that roses are  spice of love and soon it brings a spice for life. Clearly, it’s a symbol of love. Me, myself still receiving the same kind of flowers from the same person up to the present. It’s just like saying, I’m still lovely and sweet after all these years, Honestly speaking and not to be proud off, still I am! LOL!

When getting to know more about someone,giving roses is a great way to catch attention or, you may want to start a relationship all over again. I’m sure you’ll earn a good impression while it lasts.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography


By on March 13, 2014

Would you believe? The miniature flowers shown here are regular weeds in the garden. Some grown in our own backyard, It was scattered everywhere. Weeds can really tolerate the kind of poor and dry soil that we had here. I didn’t pull it out because the garden looks natural with the weeds around.  Small butterflies loved the flowers of these weeds too.

One factor to consider here, it might be unusual but, I would like to try it for my new subject for today. I was thinking that, it would be a useless subject since its just a weed and it’s common weeds to be seen around. However, when I saw the result of my photography, I was impressed how these native flowers makes it attractive just like the regular flowers too. Let me give a try.I have arranged the weed flowers accordingly and placed it  in a small vase.  Check the result.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | Technology/ Learning Tips


By on March 6, 2014

Too many stories associated with flowers that can relate to any situation. My story is just like a collection of old stories in entirely different ways.  I remember the story of  3rd century old martyr, St. Valentine. When Valentine was still inside his cell, young,old and parishioners came to visit,throwing flowers through his cell window. How about the Garden of Eden? The beautiful garden was full of lovely roses around. The figure skating competition during”Winter Olympics” after the performance,  fans tossing gifts of stuff toys and roses inside skating rink.

One historical story during the ”People power revolution in the Philippines to overthrow the late dictator. One reconciliation moment, the nuns, priest and some students offered flowers to the  soldiers on top of the tank. It was a wonderful gift of peace to unite us all.  Hundreds of people waved their rosaries, yellow caps and flowers. It was a memorable story that inspires everyone to look upon. The memory still lives on up to the present and forever, the material presented time period range from the past to the present, It was all about flowers.

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However, it took some time to convince everyone that roses are indeed safe for cooking. Others are in doubt but, safety is the main concern of the chef who are using it. Finally, it was proven to be safe and good for the health. The nature side and amount of influence, these flowers are indeed for all seasons.

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Events/ Holidays/ Special Occasions | Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects

Importance And Uses Of Rose Flowers

By on March 4, 2014

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As years bring tremendous changes and a new growth, a new variety of roses are being introduced worldwide. The new tone and various coloured roses that gives contrast of colours and fragrance, no matter if it’s miniature or hybrid on a pot or on a ground, everyone takes the pride in producing their own garden of roses.

Not surprisingly, the presence of multiple buyers and strong market inspired the rose farmers and gardeners to produce more. Even the breeders won a prize in different shows, just as the best. It grew more popularity as the production steadily increased as years went. Roses, as already known for centuries, it is always the flower of choice for home, flower arrangement, surprise gift in any occasions and events. People used rose flowers for this purpose. Throughout the years of using roses at home and occasionally,I would like to share additional uses, I’m reviewing all the wonderful benefits of it.

Uses of rose flowers

1. Good centerpiece on the table

2. Flower arrangement

3. Corsage

4. Medicine

5. Perfume

6. Recipes

7. Garlands

8. Sweet freshener (house,car,cabinet drawers,office)

9. Fashion and accent pieces for; Hair, cloth, gown, shoes, bags

10. For business

11. Window garden decors

12. Bridal veil, bridal flower

13. Confetti

14. Potpourri

15. Flores De Mayo or Mayflower festival


17. Boutonniere for black suit

18. Favorite model subject of photographers, artist, printers, and wood carvers

19. Wall decors

20. Rose designs for arts, paintings, jewelries, tattoos, wood and food carvers,embroidery, schools,billboard, printing,( dresses, Prom gown, bed sheets and pillow cases) glass wares( tea sets, coffee cups, glasses, plates)

21. Perfect for landscaping in parks; amusement parks, industrial places, mansions, castles, schools, cemetery.

22. Float decorations

23. For offering; altar, grave

24. For human names, song lyrics and animal names

25. Bed of roses for newly married couple

26. Rose oil and rose water

27. Fragrant rose petals as a refreshing bubbles on a bath tub

28. For decorations in any event like; weddings, Valentine’s day gifts, festivities, birthdays, appreciations, graduations, inaugurations and ceremonies.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects


By on February 26, 2014

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 Lovely Roses

Giving roses brings a special message for a purpose. If you are shy that you want to release the inner feelings you’ve been keeping for a long time,definitely, roses will do it for you. It is a special delivery attention to speak up of your love that you can’t speak for it.

For others, it’s a quick bridge to short cut the way especially if you are facing a love trouble. Roses surely will restore a good relationship. No matter if its for plain friendship or love, it serves as a peacemaker to resolve a conflict between two people.

How much more if you’ll surprise  a loved one with a basket full of red roses or a bed full of red roses? It will make a difference!

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Only for the Flowers

By on February 17, 2014

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On my way home, I saw a queen bee pollinating the flowers, I immediately grabbed my camera to take a snapshot. As I was about to press the shutter,it flew backwards. I followed it again for the 2nd time, it flew straight to my camera encircling my head. How aggressive! I just stand-by firmly, I didn’t make any movement in order to be safe. For the 2rd try, I pressed the shutter and it’s done! That time, it was about to rain and I hurriedly packed everything before it gets wet.

To my surprised when I saw this photo. Where is the bee? The queen bee is nowhere to be found. Whew! I’ve missed to check my camera earlier. So the result,what is left are the flowers minus the queen bee. I really thought it was successful, How tough and aggressive to photographed such one. Previously, I have photographed the honeybees and the city bees. I can even touch these bees unlike the queen bee,it was quite bigger and aggressive, I can’t even come closer, so scared that its just like breaking my brain cells into pieces. It just happened that I’m also an aggressive photographer and I’m sure, I will get her back soon!

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