Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

 Bougainvillea Decorative Effect

By on January 23, 2014

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Giant Bougainvillea (Click on images to view larger)
The decorative effect makes a lovely display, swinging gracefully under full sun that dresses the frontal view of the house. It appeared growing very thickly together and it blooms continuously. What is more lovelier about it, it provides a good shade.
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 Bougainvillea A mass of pink blooms closely packed
Bougainvillea, a plant particularly growing around, the same kind of plant grown in our garden. The good thing about these plant, it can survive even in poor dry or stony soil. It’s hard to train the branches especially when the stem is already matured. The good maintenance to trim earlier while the plant is still young and the stem is still soft would be better. Cutting, trimming and bending the branches when the plant is still young is a good way to train the branches to grow in different direction that makes a brilliant position when flowers in full bloom. Other plants to lessen the damages,  I keep it tied properly from both ends, from upward to downward either both side works  to stay upright even during storm or windy situations. However,it’s hard to cut it because it’s spiny. Just wear the right gloves to trim the bushes.
Summer is fast approaching,during this time, it’s feasting with brilliant colors bursts into blooms, you’ll see different varieties of bougainvillea around the corner with different colors. I prefer the common color which is pink but, others likes the yellow one which is rare to find and unique. How I wish to have all colors; yellow, red, white, light blue, green, purple, peach and pink. That would be a wise idea,I might go to Tagaytay again to shop for flowering plants soon.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects


By on December 5, 2013

Who among the people in this present generation doesn’t know about Facebook? Using social networking sites is the fastest and easiest communication to connect with friends especially to those relatives living abroad. Social networking sites available in the internet basically connect friends and relatives all over the world. All you have to do is to sign up for an account, it takes only 10 minutes to do it, you can immediately search for friends.  How easy to locate whereabouts of  old friends and be surprised to see them after those long years.You might be curious on how they look like, it would be fun to get the latest updates from them too. Aside from Application services provided in the internet such as; Viber, Whats App and Tango, all  family members has its own Twitter, Tumbler, Instagram and Facebook.

Almost all friends in my facebook list were former classmates here and abroad, few family friends, business associates, neighbors ,cousins and some close relatives. Facebook is good if you are wiser enough to keep yourself and your family safe by using the privacy setting. There’s a lot of options to choose from, you can control everything,who will see your status, photos, and who will post on your wall. That’s one disadvantage, and how about the disadvantages of using Facebook? Oh! That would be my next topic next post.

Recently, I’ve found my former best friend I haven’t seen for long years.I cannot even recall our last meeting we had before. I’m glad, She’s happy living with her own family in America now. Day after,She provided list of close friends to add on. For other friends, I was so desperate to think about some of my close friends just disappeared because of responsibilities until, Facebook made us closer back again.  Thanks to That! Here’s another, website of mine to connect and share my thoughts and ideas.

Finally, My FB  list of friends is almost complete, Definitely,Facebook is the place to collect all my friends and store them in. My former classmates in school before are now my present Facebook classmate although, we got different time schedule online. It’s fun and enjoyable to get latest updates and non-stop messages from them.It keeps me going! It will only happen here,I’ve gathered l my friends all-together in one place, Our best meeting place, Facebook!

Note: Previously written related topics about technology and Internet addiction. If you want to visit the page, just click  links below.

  Internet Addiction

 Internet: Is it helping?

Thanks to Technology

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Wildlife/Animals/Pets


By on November 8, 2013

I’ve discovered a sticky beehive inside the tall rocks in the garden.This is a natural beehive and not a man-made.I was amazed to see for the first time a great number of young honeybees inside the beehive.This is where the stinging honeybees stored their wax cells for rainy food. I’m just curious about their nesting areas.One thing I loved about bees behavior is they know how to adjust to certain environment,they collect honey during dry days and save it. Just a way of getting ready ahead of time.

Beehive is  dark brown in color, sticky and very shiny. The visible structure is durable, good enough to protect the young honeybees inside the hole. With too many holes in uniformed sizes, other holes appeared to be full of honey and some holes for the nesting site of the young ones.

IMG_0449 copy   Honeybees as an agent of pollination.

With this discovery,I’ve completed the full version of my articles, It’s all about honeybees, their everyday routine as an agent of pollination, body structure, my morning bonding with honeybees as my subject of photography  and many more… Just don’t forget the importance of what has been contributed previously, my attempt to disturb this honeybees for five minutes in order to take few shots. I’m a honeybee lover and I never plan to drive them away.I will just let them stay behind and let the future takes its place.

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IMG_6378 copy   To view honeybees as my morning subject of photography.

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I was even surprised to see queen bee making honeycomb.The wax secreted in order to make this certain structure.

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Sunny sheltered position in order to get a good view. Quiet tough to move the beehive away from the nesting area. The proper timing,to wait for the mother bees out to pollinate the flowers around is the right time.

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If you click the close up, you’ll see the young honeybees still inside the holes. Just wondering, how  a small stinging insect can produce a beehive much bigger and larger than their own size.

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Other parts has unfinished portion and broken off. I think the construction is still going on.

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The image below, shows great number of young ones inside the beehive.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Wildlife/Animals/Pets

Sky Blue with Muntingia Calabura

By on October 9, 2013

Morning glow of the day is to appreciate all the good things in life as it was tightly packed with treasures and beautiful scenery. Watching the flowers take its shape in the morning and rate my favorites is the reason of enjoying the beauty of nature,it is something that I loved to do with passion that gives me a better view of the things around. Photographing the white flowers with the  blue sky  background looks well in a more natural setting,it  is a learning fun and fascinating.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Sky Viewing with Muntingia Calabura or Aratiles Flower

By on September 12, 2013

My habit keeps my mind active and physically occupied for a day. Photographing these wildflowers Muntingia Calabura has something to teach as well. This is just a short lived wildflower, it will only stay for a day and I just have to shoot it immediately before the sucking insects will arrive that it may caused discoloration.

The first bloom is lovely white in full sun although it was really small but, with fine quality once you’ll seen the result. This kind of flower may not be available during rainy season, they bloom more this time and less continuously.

Previously,I’ve published the first part of these images with the black background as it was glowing in the dark. I’m very passionate to do these things in the morning.Here’s the shots taken from day to day activities.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Flowering Bulb

By on September 11, 2013

What a pleasant surprised to see the first display in the garden, the gorgeous ”Amaryllis bulb flowers”. Theflower looks attractive with the combination of white and pink lined petals.These particular variety grown in partial shade enriched with our own home-composed soil. It’s quiet easy to grow but watering priority during summer droughts.

Sometimes, they become too crowded and compact, I’ve divided some and replant it all over again on the same place. I’ve photographed it to be my first gorgeous subject in the morning. Photographing a lovely subject is an entertaining ritual especially if it’s done first hour in the morning. It’s cool to do it especially if it goes well and appropriate for my time, more so for the enjoyment of nature. Here’s my angle shots!

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Black Background Images of Honeybees

By on July 17, 2013

It was summer when I started to photograph the honeybees.Attempting to get a good picture was really tough at this time,got only few chances because the weather sometimes is unpredictable.A lot of times, when the day is supposed to be sunny, but it turned out to be foggy and windy.

Recently,I produced pictures of honeybees in a natural habitat,however this time, I want to change the setting from natural environment to black background.Attempting to get a good picture at a closer range using foliage as my background and keeping it to a bit darker is hard because it was done in a broad daylight. These honeybees were very active and aggressive coming too close and flew away. It was just a matter of patience to wait for the proper timing.Sometimes, I’m losing my patience and felt so uncomfortable under the sun.

Fortunately, Pollinating flowers was done many times,therefore, the honeybees will return again and again to the same flower and that I firmly memorized all their routes following them. As the result? I produced 15 pictures of honevbees pollinating flowers with a black background.Definitely, I’m changing moods, it might be unpleasant to see as it is noticeable with the presence of other pictures. I’m not a photographer, still learning some tecniques  from you guys! Here’s the result !

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Bees and Caterpillars

By on July 9, 2013

Lately,I’ve discovered leaves that was badly damaged, I was wondering who made these damages. Got 2 leaves to compare with. To my point of comparison,the first leaves was not fully damaged,it was cut off into an oval shaped and ring form.However, to my second discovery was more intense. How can you tolerate to see, it was all disrupted and destroyed.They totally ate all the leaves leaving only the veins and stems. I ‘ve photographed it for proof. Who’s to be blamed for these?

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Damages done by the leaf-cutter bees.

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The honey bees as leaf-cutter bees.

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The Gypsy moth caterpillars.

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Damages done by the gypsy moth caterpillars.They are considered as a pests. Almost zeroing everything,I guess, they are in the destructive stage at this time.I’m just wondering  what made them crave to eat all the leaves.They will surely stop upon reaching the next stage of their life cycle.

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Sometimes,the gypsy moth caterpillars with the whole family; father,mother,and children,they all gathered together to do the same activity for the day.

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