Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects

Muntingia Calabura Fruit andFlowers

By on March 10, 2017

Muntingia Calabura  blooming under full sun,the petals changes its position and lean to the light and flop over. It’s a small,and white star-like flower that has a crepe texture petals and golden yellow anther that attracted insects around. However, the sepal and stigma  is color green,so with the evergreen leaves. During hot season, the taste of the fruit is quiet sweet and juicy but during rainy days, it’s tasteless as it’s only good for the birds and honeybees.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | Travel and Adventure

Giant Sunflowers

By on March 8, 2017

Giant Sunflowers with Bright clouds in the Background

Leaving temporarily my daily chores behind, I can’t neglect my morning hobby to at least capture one beautiful subject a day. Sunflowers attracted enormous attention from passers around and amid expectations from me that it would even be more better to see it in pictures. This is my expression to brighten up my day and after snapshots would be getting into blogs afterwards so this is it.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Travel and Adventure

Miracle Garden of Dubai

By on January 25, 2017

What a beautiful landscape! The beautiful garden paradise floating lavishly with beautiful flowers, I may call it, the ”Garden of Eden” or the ”Garden of new generation. Miracle Garden of Dubai is a beautiful flower garden, so far the largest floral sculpture located in Dubailand, Dubai, United Arab Emirates gained good reputation, it was a big hit and a special extravagant attraction approximately with over 45 million blooming flowers.

Periodically open to all visitors, locals,OFW and tourists made visits to this place, the garden was launched February 14, 2013, it was a good timing to celebrate Valentine’s day. I’m glad to see all the efforts of garden enthusiasts and landscape designers. Over the years, the growth and interest in gardening has been developed, the empty dessert and idle spaces that remain intact for years has been newly restored and renovated that gained good recognition as the present Guinness World Record holder for the ”Largest Vertical Garden.” 

What lies beyond the dessert? It was all dramatically turned into a beautiful paradise and the flower displays and arrangements occasionally changed every year.

To display the flowers devoted primarily to full blooms in appropriate landscape, framed filled by flower pots that formed animal pieces and objects which includes; Castle, Airbus 300, Swan Lake, Giant formed hearts and Pyramids to name a few. This kind of display technique is easy to replace the sections that are dried up. The spacious landscape is divided into different areas of  a good display.

The flower frame design that formed a pyramid is distinctive. Thanks for the effort and time to discover the new display of floral designs, it helps us to appreciate better the flowers of today.

Excellent blending of colors and detailed arrangement techniques for external expression.

Arch climber flowers, the range of colors to competent the season and paths are bordered by flower beds all matched the way of a gorgeous garden.

What  a surprise to see the lushness of flowers, some rare varieties especially the hybrids are still growing today.

Lower sections has display areas each taking character, likely assorted to be found here.

All sections everywhere partly to show blending and striking of colors rightfully organized in a very competent manner.

It’s a dazzling view!

The lush freshness makes a very good display everywhere.

All the people around, everyone would look and say” perfectly beautiful!

Beds of white flowers

Beside Miracle Garden is as fake roller coaster with a giant fake motor cross rider hanging up there.

If you are yearning for a greener scenery and stunning landscape, visit ”Dubai Miracle Garden” it’s worth to just walk around and appreciate each portion. It’s a miracle spot too! News about the garden circulated around, when I heard about it, I caught up in excitement to get up and check.

Miracle Garden of Dubai

Address: Al Barsha South 3, Barsha, Dubailand Area Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Opening hours: 9AM to 11 PM

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects

Red Rose of China-Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis

By on November 25, 2016

What a gloomy feeling but these morning starters, Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis flowers will cheer me up. Since it’s a common flower around that we see it everyday and every time  around the corner that its simply boring, the only way to be appreciated is to make the shots beautiful. I captured these flowers while doing my daily jogging at Capitol Commons, I was about to finish my last round but in between quick stop to snap the flower. That’s a bit distraction, Whew! It’s good I brought with me my iPhone, just a right time to snap also the bumble bees and the butterflies.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | Travel and Adventure

Lotus Flowers of Taiwan

By on November 23, 2016

Lotus flower is the  national flower of the Republic of China in 1964

Considered as floating and aquatic plants, they do best in still waters. Lotus flowers  being classified as water plant, flowers and leaves rise above water with roots anchored under water. Waterlilies and lotus are a good choice for water gardens, the pink and white lotus flowers are the most popular and common around while the others are also attractive in various colors like; violet, orange, green and yellow to name a few.

Garden Specialty

Just a quick shot, 2 photos of Lotus flowers taken in Taiwan during my travel recently.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Black Monarch Butterfly in the Garden

By on November 1, 2016

Another quick snapshot of Monarch butterfly done today. It appeared just after the rainfall and here it goes! The wings widely spread-out. Thanks God! it seems she’s showing the color pattern of her wings. The shiny black colorful pattern, this is a bad warning to any predators as it is said to be poisonous! The position, you can easily identify what kind of butterfly is this.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | Travel and Adventure

Heavy Crop of Beautiful Flowers

By on October 10, 2016

Bearing a heavy crop of beautiful flowers in clusters sometimes, carrying many flowers on one stem alone, these flowering plants live in a dry climate however, manage to survive even during rainy season. This is a good example of plants that can easily adopt themselves to the climate and a  good specimen for beautification.

Summer growth flowers are produced abundantly as shown here that’s why I’m closing close track of the flowers thinking that when flowering ends, seeds are being released and ready to be collected. The next step is to dry the seeds for a week or two and plant them, one month after, it will give lushness of the surroundings.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects

Orange Gumamela Flower with pink center

By on September 28, 2016

I love flowering plants that prolongs the moment of glory. A pleasure to see daily, one graceful example is this one. Orange Gumamela  with pink center ( Hibiscus flower )  is equally well in full bloom. The intense sunlight tends to stimulate flowering that brings brilliant natural colors.

To our own flowering plants in the garden, a lot of -plants already reached old age. The tired looking stems and discolored leaves tends to resign. I have to replace it annually with something new, a new plant with attractive flowers and this time, a more manageable one is truly good.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Muntingia Calabura Flower or Aratiles Flower

By on August 24, 2016

Not only exceptionally attractive tiny flower but  it is also  beneficial for the insects, it blooms all year round to provide basic food for them. I’ve photographed this tiny wildflower in the morning and to other flowers from previous posts was done in different position at different times of the day with the natural light of the sun. Some images with the sun rays pointing directly to the flower and others, just as in the  natural habitat.

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