Inspirational Quotes | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Language of Love

By on September 2, 2013

Attaching meaningful and short phrases like these is a direct language to express your purpose in love especially if you are shy to say it verbally.The language of love is even more interesting if you say it with flowers. Here’s some of my examples on how to make love messages creatively..I’m sure it will capture the heart of the receiver.

Forwarding love messages sent to your loved ones  accompanied with flowers will always express something to capture his/her attention.However, it is already a common practice to those who are in love but,at least it will always help to show your special interest and purity of your heart.

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Note: Fresh flowers would be more meaningful indeed.

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Inspirational Quotes

The Path of your Dreams

By on April 1, 2012

I have used little details on giving some reminders on how to make your dream comes true.It’s just a short poem, readable, and make believe to fulfill your dreams turning it into a reality.My first idea to begin with, To greet you  with the glow of my own image sitting in front of a beautiful spot, waiting for the sunset to come out.I’m planning to use all landscape pictures I’ve photographed earlier.I don’t want to waste any images taken somewhere.It came out to be a good idea making such poem using my own images. Isn’t it? The hardest part? It’s hard to make a fresh poetic words that will blend connecting each other. I’m reviewing all my drafts made earlier,I would like to strengthen,making it better for the next post.There’s no harm trying, Nobody’s perfect! I will surely learn from it. I’ve already learned a lot from the first one. We’ll see the next post.

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Inspirational Quotes | Technology/ Learning Tips

Amazing Sunset Poetry

By on March 27, 2012

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Everyday life is an opportunity.You never run out of things to do,there’s always time to do the things you want. How about tomorrow? Does it make any difference? For me,Today is a fulfillment of a  dream comes true. I will publish my first picture poetry.  I’ve written a simple poem on the picture itself, It was an Amazing sunset picture and one of my most memorable snaphot taken during my latest travel from the North.This poem is a descriptive one.I’ve described more on expressing the beauty of the sunset and my inner feeling towards it.I just hope that the beauty of nature will help you remember my poem. I’m so excited to know the outcome from you.I hope, you’ll appreciate it!

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