My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Pixel Pro Photography Exclusive | Travel and Adventure | Wildlife/Animals/Pets


January 26, 2012


Do you still remember the first wildlife  article I have written on this site?It was the ”EGRETS- THE MIGRATORY BIRDS” Part 1-2. What’s the status of the egrets? Once again, it’s time to move. Months after this blog was published, I was still getting requests from readers asking me to pen more in the same vein. As a result of its unprecedented success, I have received numerous emails from students all over the world asking for permission to use material from here in their own coursework, the V- Formation of Birds for science thesis. The permission was only given to be used for educational purposes, and not for commercial or personal gain. When I made my debut in the publishing world in 2011, it was during the month of January.

Soon after, another wildlife article came up.”OWL- THE SILENT HUNTERS OF THE NIGHT’. It was a wonderful story with interesting information about these species.The Coverage of the Migratory birds was photographed by Alex Chan,the Director of Pixel Pro Photography and other Pixel Pro Photography club members,Malaysia. They came up with shots worth publishing. More than sixty  images that will stimulate your appetite to make  your viewing more meaningful.

(Click on images to view larger)

A year after, World seems endless with problems. Egrets started to disappear. Changes of climate effecting these species leaving them less in numbers. It was an alarming rate and the  curious threat is hunting these birds for feather trade. I truly believed, the extent of hunting these epecies maybe much more than what has already been reported and greater in danger to  face extinction. Some egrets living in an area that is heavily affected by habitat destruction and hunting. We are losing wild places and wildlife. The world’s original forest  have been cut down. Other threats; poaching and capturing them for illegal trade.

What are your thoughts on these feathered creatures?They are able to feel the changes in the environment, just like humans, and have a delicate sensitivity to the pollution that is present.I really don’t want them to disappear completely. As a result, the intention behind the composition of these articles is to “Save the Egrets,” with the expectation that this will result in an increase in the population growth of egrets and inspire hope in the minds of younger people. Perhaps, a more promising future for the free-flying birds.The most terrifying aspect of it is that it will almost certainly happen again unless significant steps are taken to prevent it.However, there were times when the efforts made to save people were not sufficient.We never seem to learn from our mistakes and continue to make the same blunders over and over again. This is the reason why the same mistakes are made over and over again throughout history. We, humanity, are the animals’ most formidable foe, and we are also the primary adversary of the natural environment. The activities of humans are largely to blame, which is a horrifying thought in and of itself. What do you think about this, and why?

In the coming years, There will be plenty to worry about when it comes particularly to these migratory birds.They might face the same fate like the passenger pigeons. They vanished, leaving not a single species left on earth.It’s a waste of time to point fingers about who! responsible for their disappearance.

This fresh perspective on protecting the environment for future generations has been developed in order to allay concerns. Now is the time to take action on something. We have a responsibility to safeguard the egrets and inspire others to do the same. A fresh strategy has taken shape! Make sure that nothing like the past happens again. The only thing we need to focus on is finding a solution. We will not be successful in achieving this goal unless we first come to the realization that we can solve any problem we face by cooperating with one another.

Help me spread my message.This should serve as a wake-up call to everyone involved. I just have to keep my fingers crossed that we can all find a way to collaborate in order to save the wildlife for future generations. I really wish that we could set aside some extra time and be reminded of the obligations that we have.I am not going to coerce you into doing what I suggest. I cannot stress enough that I am not intending to impart any knowledge to you by means of the aforementioned creatures. It is up to human beings to ensure the well-being of the animals in their care.We have the ability to make the world a better place to live in and to make the most of our lives if we collaborate with one another. We need to take action right away, and I’m going to do my part. Where do you stand?

The egret in flight.

During the photography session of the migrating birds, members of the Pixel Pro Photography club captured the scenes at the right time and at the right moment, and the result was? Every photograph was breathtaking in its own unique way. What are your thoughts?

I would like to thank  Pixel Pro Photography, Malaysia for providing images and for the kind permission to reproduce all photos. Thank you very, very much

(EGRETS ARE DISCUSSED, AND THE ENTIRE WORK IS COMPLETELY ILLUSTRATED WITH PHOTOGRAPHS AND INFORMATIVE TEXTS)Copyright We reserve all of our rights.Without the express, prior written permission of the author, no portion of this work may be reproduced in any form, including photocopying, recording, or storing any information.

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  1. Wow! I’m your number one fan! Very interesting post and clean content! The photographs are good. Where is this place?

    1. It was photographed in Malaysia during the migration months. It’s migration time again same month as I have published the previous one if you can still remember. Thanks for visiting here and I hope you’ll come back for more. You may also want to visit the Magnificent sunset, view it. Just keep on stopping. Thanks you.

  2. Thanks for sharing this informative topics. Blogs so nice and clean. I always read your articles before i sleep at night, i think I’m already addicted to your articles. can’t sleep if i don’t read it before i get down.

  3. Hey Journalist! I appreciate your effort to save the migratory birds. I found your article via twitter. It was very impressive is very beautiful too.Where is this place?

    1. Ana Mae! It was photographed in Malaysia along the river. Pixel Pro members went river cruising just to shoot this migratory birds. You inspired me to post for more articles like these. Thank you very much!

  4. Hey Journalist! I found your article via twitter. It was very impressive is very beautiful too.Where is this place?

  5. I love this blog! I learned a lot from this! Salamat for sharing this subject, hey! In Pampanga there’s also migratory birds around, i saw it when i went to visit my sister who’s living there. Thank you!!!!!!

    1. Yes, you are right! I will surely go to Pampanga soon to shoot migratory birds in the Philippines, just so work overload, as soon as i find time availability I’ll go there right away! thank you Miss Joy!

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