There is a common saying that goes something like this: “It looks like Switzerland; it is the green land pasture to bond with flocks of sheep; and your reward?” Personal interaction, including bonding with and feeding the gentle animals.
A tourist attraction in Taiwan, the ‘’Green, Green Grassland’’ in Qingjing farm or Cingjing farm is a hill ranch in the midst of lovely grassy hills where livestock can graze. Its elevation above sea level is 1,750 meters. The temperature swings between day and night are quite dramatic.

Green, Green Grassland in Qingjing farm or Cingjing farm

Green, Green Grassland in Qingjing farm

Postcard perfect scene

Aside from the picturesque scene of the pastureland, surprisingly full of life to see the spectacular beauty of the mountains and hills abounds here.

Gentle Corner

Human-Animal Bond
Sheep are one of the earliest domesticated animals and are still popular today. When I tried to touch them and they didn’t push me away, I knew I had earned their trust and could relax.

Feeding the sheep with the feed provided by the park.
Outer part, sheep hair is a crimped wool and coarse but to my surprised, the wooly undercoat was soft and fluffy, much less than I thought.

It is well worth the effort to make the trip to Taiwan’s Green Green Grassland; I had my very first opportunity to interact with docile animals there, and it was a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience. It was a vivacious relationship between us, so I don’t feel self-conscious moving around and touching them.

The sheep ranch, Qingjing farm, or Cingjing farm is an absolute must for any visitor to Taiwan, whether they choose to drive or hike there. The following are included in the price of a ticket to enter the green, green grassland: Grassy meadows, a park, and a pastoral region all make up the greenery that is Guanshan.
Qingjing farm Green green grassland
Address: Renhe Road, Ren’ai Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
Details for Site Guests
Please refrain from smoking
There is to be no overnightingProhibited foodsNo animals allowed.
Be quiet around animals.
Never combine sheep and horses for a ride
Feed the animals with park supplies.
No airplanes
No drones are allowed, period.
What a beautiful pastureland. After this pandemic the first thing be on my travel list is Taiwan. I will include this special attraction
One of the best greenlands i’ve ever seen❤️
Hi ma’am Very beautiful to see all your photos with the sheep around. Can i link my website here?
Interesting blog with amazing images. Can you email me the complete address of this place?