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San Jacinto Seminary Visit

October 18, 2013

San Jacinto Seminary ( Alimanao Bridge, Peñablanca) Included in the list as one of the Roman Catholic Seminaries in the world.

Me and my sister visited Cagayan Valley lately, there were 2 reasons for our visit; one is to attend the funeral of our aunt and to visit our hometown. I was very happy to meet my relatives I haven’t seen for long years,they all look younger than ever before our last meeting. It was a big welcome and celebration for us.We chatted and shared stories for long hours. Once again,I’m back to my roots. The second day, We went to visit my 2 nephews currently studying in San Jacinto Seminary.

San Jacinto seminary  is located in Tuguegarao city. A peaceful seminary that sits on top of the mountain with a scenic view of the hills, huge farms  and the beautiful sunset. What a stunning scenery to view! You can even feel the refreshing pressure of the mountain breeze on top.

I thought it was a regular school day,there was a major activity to be celebrated during that time. It was the  ”Year of the Faith”, it was the ”First novena of the feast day of San Jacinto.” We attended the evening mass celebrated by Rev. Fr. Bernard B.Corpus, present rector of San Jacinto Seminary.The two new formators, Rev. Fr. Julius Teano as the Prefect of Discipline and Rev. Fr. Brien Catabay as the Spiriual Director and with them is Msgr. Henry Singayan.

I was very proud to see my  nephew (Buddy) who plays the piano during the mass. Buddy’s younger brother EJ was well-behaved too. After that,we got the chance to gather for a quick snack although, with a very limited time. I guess,we need to follow the rules of the seminary,we only stayed in the areas designated for parents and visitors.We brought pizza,crispy fried chicken,pastries,chocolates,assorted candies and a lot more to be shared.No problem about the drinks,the cold drinks is always available in the canteen. The food we brought there was a variety of healthy intakes.For all of us, it was a bonding opportunity for moral growth as far as value formation is concerned.

I was impressed and so much to say about this Seminary. I want to share my views about it and due to this reason, I want to publish it right away. I was so impressed on how the seminarians behave, well-disciplined and mentally alert. Sometimes, We give credit to the school’s reputation for the quality education and discipline.

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The aerial view of San Jacinto Seminary. It was bit dark and cloudy, rain is about to come when I took this shot . (Sorry for this picture,it was a bit blurry)

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San Jacinto Seminary

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Shots taken around 5 pm.

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We arrived before 5 in the afternoon. The way going through reaching the top,it was a hill climb.

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Like most catholic devotions, attending mass is an obligation. I have observed many things; how the seminarians politely greeted the visitors around, how they prepared the altar, as it was well organized. The venue was filled with seminarians and parents.

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San Jacinto Seminary Chapel where the evening mass was held.

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During the mass, it was quiet and solemn.The seminarians sings with the accompaniment of the piano that filled the whole area. You can even feel the presence of God.

Note:  (I don’t attempt to disturb and take forbidden shots. This shot was captured far behind the glass window)

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The 3 brothers; Buddy,Ej and Lanz. (Buddy and Ej with their school uniform) I’m sure,Lanz the youngest in the family would be the next,he will also be a seminarian soon. San Jacinto Seminary is a blessing for my 2 nephews. It is a good framework with a good sense of direction for them.I guess my brother will not regret sending his 2 sons to this seminary.

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I was also impressed to see the cleanliness and orderliness of the school campus.

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Sports yard

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 Cleanliness around the whole campus.

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 This is how they manage their waste. The sun ray pointing to the definite subject of cleanliness.   There’s a huge container to dispose empty cans and bottles. Everything was in order. There’s a definite place to store the biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste. The awareness of the environment,the universal motto of the environmentalists, Reduce,Reuse,Recycle that a student must know to save mother earth.

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The very supportive parents; Marte and Elvie  giving some reminders during their Sunday visit. Always there to respond to all the needs of the 2 boys.Perhaps,Its a responsibility ,commitment and expectations building the hopes and dreams of their children.

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It’s time to enjoy the hot pizza!

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Today’s favorite is Pizza that goes well with our favorite drinks too.

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The Crispy fried chicken is yummy too!

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This is a funny thing ! While eating,an uninvited guests showed up. Dog’s sense of smell when it comes to food is powerful. I guess,we have to bond with them too. If I value friendship with the school then I will also value friendship with animals as well.I just have to include them here.


Here’s the other one. Got 2 dogs now. It’s dalmatian dog appeared while photographing the sunset. I just have to include him as it wants it that way together with the view of the sunset.Funny,isn’t it?

Other shots taken during our visit

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The 2 brothers; Buddy and Ej

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Buddy with the view of the sunset.

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The sunset descending in the horizon. Down there,you can see the vast vegetation,the mountains and the hills. It was a beautiful landscape down there. People in Cagayan enjoys all the advantages of having large farms and vegetation.

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One memorable shot was the beautiful sunset taken behind the San Jacinto Seminary building! It was glorious and beautiful !I’ve taken few shots of sunset during my visit there. It was already published earlier than this.

So far, I was exhausted doubled with mixed feeling of happiness and loneliness. I was happy to meet old friends and relatives but, at the same time,I was so sad because of the sudden death of my aunt.

My Message to All Seminarians,

Just like me too,as a former Paulinian, A good impression of the school is very important.I never forget the school that raised me to become one and now, a blogger. Make sure to remember all the glorious  4 years of high school life in San Jacinto Seminary.Learn to start a brighter outlook inner and outer side of you. Soon, you will accomplish something bigger that will give you a brighter future that more than your hearts  and mind have dreamed about. Your four years stay in the seminary would be worth remembering to be the best years of your life.

Thank you very much and May God bless you all !


All pictures was taken during my Cagayan tour. It’s quiet a long blog with 918 words and 25 pictures all in all.

  1. nice to see the features about the San Jacinto Seminary. I am very proud that i became part of it. during my stay in the seminary, the activities most especially during the feast day of st. hyacinth is worth remembering for me because this is the time when all the families of the seminarians gather together even so when the family inside the seminary joins with them. this would be not be possible if the seminary itself would not implemented this activity. and i am very thankful that really it is joy of the seminary to bond itself to the biological family of the seminarian. thank you very much..

    i hope your nephews will soon answer the call of God for them to become priests most especially for buddy whom i had a chance to know him just for one year. and please encourage to go to San Pablo Seminary, Baguio City..

    1. Thank you for your good comment Jeorge! I’m happy to know that you are a friend of Buddy. Sure! I will surely encourage him to follow the call of God.The same school as you, San Pablo Seminary – Baguio am I right? I wish that He will continue it.I would be very happy to see both of you become a priest someday. It’s about summer anyway and I heard Buddy is coming to Manila with his younger brother Ej.They will be here to take the college entrance examination.I will ask Buddy’s dad to direct Baguio instead of Manila.I’m sure he will follow the same path as you..I was able to locate your twitter and I’ve seen your profile pic with camera on hand, right? Thank you smart boy!

  2. Very Interesting posts! been following your blogs all the time. I’m a fan of yours, May god bless you for your good deeds. My brother is also a former seminarian. Thank you for featuring former school of him.

  3. Hello idol ! Love your writings. Thanks for publishing San Jacinto Seminary. My big brother came to that school and he’s now a priest! Thank u poooo! I’m waiting for your next post.

  4. yes, i am ma’am. This march, it’s gonna be Buddy’s graduation. i hope he would have his search-in here at San Pablo Seminary. However, i could not inform you yet of the schedule of the search-in. but if soon, i already have it, i will just inform everybody thru this blog anyway.

    Maybe, it would be ok for us if we just gonna become friends on fb. thanks.

    name in fb: Orhe Kristiyano Deray

    Take Care and GoD Bless us al…:))

    1. Hello Orhe, you’re back! It took half year for you to reply hahah, I will tell Buddy to add you so you can communicate directly with him.Thanks for your good comments, I just hope you’ll continue to follow my posts.The latest i heard, I think Buddy took UST-college entrance test and still waiting for the result. However, get in touch with him directly,ok? thanks again…

  5. Surprisingly opened this blog about the beautiful seminary where i graduated from
    I am a classmate of one of ur nephews buddy,a freshly graduate from this institution.I am glad and grateful to see that the San Jacinto Seminary is being featured with the different places around and of course the people,the seminarians.This was my home that formed me alot. I am very proud of this institution that keeps in producing well and responsible christians if not a priest. This seminary is a legacy full of memories that mold me
    Hope students from outside be interested to study here by its education and holistic formation which it offers.

    1. I agree, it is a good foundation for a better future. Thank you Nick for visiting my website.You can click the same link to see the updated photos of San Jacinto Seminary, the new one’s perfectly clear.Hope to hear again from you.Goodluck and May God Bless you!

  6. I accidentally chanced upon your blog and was very much impressed about your feature of San jacinto seminary in which I am presently the rector. Can I invite you to come over to the seminary and take more pictures (much have changed since your last pictures) or perhaps we can talk more of how the seminary can be featured best on the web. Thanks. Fr. Bernie

    1. Good evening Father! Thank you for your invitation and good comments.It’s certainly a pleasure to visit San Jacinto Seminary again soon.I’m very pleased to hear about the new progress and keep up the good work.Tonight, I’ll update this blog to insert few points and photos.I hope you’ll drop-by and would like to hear your thoughts.
      My apology for my late reply!

  7. ma’am your blog makes me so proud of my alma mater. I am also a graduate of San Jacinto Seminary where young boys are formed. and I really miss this institution. :(. I miss the way seminarians pray together, study together (individually and in triads)and eat together. I was 2nd year student when your nephew buddy entered the seminary. this institution mold me holistically and to become independent and a better person. I will always bring with me the memories I have with my brother seminarians, teachers, formators and the all the memories I have in this institution and also the teachings of my formators and my teachers before. GOD BLESS 🙂

    fb name: John Neil Lu

  8. Hi Father Rector☺My son is interested to enrol at the San Jacinto Seminary. May i know the requirements ?

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