Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

The Bee and the Flower

By on April 20, 2012

I spent every minute of my time photographing the bees while pollinating the flowers.All my attention was completely glued in photographing these interesting subject of science.Yesterday, I was disappointed,only two photos of bees made it. Other photos not so clear and some blurry. Today, I want to accomplish something,anything to photograph the same subject for the second time around.(Click on image to view larger)

But first of all, I want to identify these kind of garden bees. According to my research, this is a honeybee. It was small with a body color combination of yellow and brown stripes. Upon photographing, I have observed the way they behave and the way they transfer from one flower to another. They actively moves so fast. It took only 2-3 seconds to pollinate a small flower and there after, they will come back to pollinate the same flower again.I cannot even count how many times they come and go.

o far, I was satisfied with the result of my photography,it turned out better than expected. You could be more excited to see the  macro shots. I’m using macro to make shooting more easier but, it was a tough close-up shot. The good thing about macro,the smaller image becomes larger. You can even view completely the full body parts of a bee.

I feel so tired using one hand to shoot, making another hand free to move  and to make a quick blow in case a bee landed on my face. I feel uncomfortable holding it.My morning ended with the bees. It was an interesting subject. I will continue to post more bee photos and a video of the bees while pollinating the flowers next post.

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