My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Wildlife/Animals/Pets

Mali, the Captive Elephant

By on March 23, 2017

Sri Lankan elephant named Mali inside an enclosure at Manila Zoo (Formerly known as Manila Zoological and Botanical Garden) Mali the only captive elephant in the Philippines  has already endured 43 years of extreme confinement.

If ever, I don’t want animal to suffer, I already mentioned this before for the ” Migratory Birds of Malaysia” and to repeat it once again here. I just remember the practice of one biologist in Zimbabwe, they capture animals by shooting with guns that fire darts filled with tranquilizing drugs, the same technique to capture free roaming animals.

Every year, elephants are being slaughtered and killed for their ivory tusks. I was told, most tusks taken in the past 20 to 30 years shipped through different countries around the globe. Is this a joke? Feeling so sad for this, what can you do about it?

My only dream for Mali , to be reunited with her related family in a good habitat, a native vegetation back home. How nice to see her reunited with other herbs happily waving her tusks doing greeting ceremonies with the group. Perhaps, there’s still hope for Mali, I’ll pray for that!


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