It was once covered with vast dense of forest, Challenges abound steep and slope hikes, it was so remote that wildlife often strolls through. The people of Piat before consider this hill to be a mountain because of range does consider to be a combination of both.
Growing up in Piat, the hills, mountains and nature have always been a part of my life. In my childhood, I spent great time playing outdoors, climbing mountains accessible nearby, our house itself sits on top of the mountain and from our house window overlooking from a distance with a great level of clarity, the hilltop looks like within reach.
Looking back into the past, this hill is not new to me, it was year 1972 when we first explored it, it was the beginning of my childhood adventure and first climb. Despite its beautiful view, this hill has earned its reputation as typical threat because of the presence of monkeys and snakes around and strong winds can literally blow climbers away but just like any other kids our age, we were carefree and innocent to ignore the danger side. Me with fellow classmates climbed this rugged hill before. Our group is composed of grade school classmates; Maritess, May, Librada, myself, Stella and Divina. From an early age of 11, we were the youngest mountain explorers in Piat, we went there to gather, ”Bat Ayong”(monkey fruit) I don’t know, it was curiosity that drives us there. way up was so tiring that involves hiking and trekking through. It took us 45 minutes to reach the summit and while there, we stayed for an hour to enjoy mountain fruits. There’s one thing we learned here aside from breaking parent rules, we all learned how to conquer our fears as we all had fun. Climbing the hills and mountains before was even worth it, you’ll be rewarded by the sweetness of wild fruits full of nutrients. Believe it or not, the ”Bat Ayong” tastes is heavenly. I don’t know the scientific name of this fruit, it is oval in form, soft and red in color. Bat Ayong is just an edible fruit for wild monkeys and birds. After my childhood adventure, that’s exactly why I started to love hills and mountains.
Happy days happened during childhood. We only get to be young once. Reminiscing the past, it feels I’m mentally 10 years old in energy and suddenly…. it brings tears to my eyes.

It had been nearly a year since my last visit in Piat, that was October of 2018. I was amazed at how Piat progressed. With the arrival of new developments, you’ll be energized by its variety of offerings and new attractions. Today, the dangerous hill has transformed into a beautiful landmark in the sky, ”The Piat Hill” It is now a prominent Itawes landmark that offers a scenic view of the town. The awe-inspiring scenery above the hill attracts many visitors, the view on top is truly spectacular!
In the past, parents disallow their children to climb the hilltop because it is not safe. Nowadays, it is a must-visit, a must-climb and trekking. The Piat hill is now a beautiful climbing site.

Stairs and trails leading to the hilltop. Series of spectacular scenery above far more awe-inspiring.
Taken October of 2018 during my first visit. My trip wouldn’t be complete without paying a visit to this beautiful landmark. I’m happy to be back, I feel the same admiration as before.
The viewing deck at the top of Piat hill. I’m here reminiscing the past, the event that took place before to connect with the present. The old part of me is back! How fast time flies! From where I’m standing, my memories of childhood so different from the way it is now. My hometown has changed a lot over the years.

The aerial view of the Black Water Lagoon from the hilltop.
For a dramatic setting, go during twilight hours, the skyline is quiet colorful and vibrant overlooking the Basilica Minore Nuestra Senora De Piat belfry, Chico river and the towering mountains down to the beautiful Black water Lagoon.

The scenic splendor of surrounding landscape, the nearby mountains and farms on one side. This is the current picturesque view of the town.

I would like to extend my thanks to my grade school classmates who invited me to climb with them before. I wish to reconnect with former classmates I haven’t seen in many years.
Transforming vision into reality. Thank you mayor for your consistent efforts and hard work. Municipal Mayor of Piat Atty. Carmelo Villacete.
Note: Itawes or Itawis, Itawit, Tawit is a northern language spoken by Itawes people. (Take note of the endonym or autonym)
Thank you for reading my blog!