Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Dahlia Hybrids

By on February 22, 2018

Following our family vacation previously, I had focused my attention on all exciting enhancements during that time and much more to something which is more relaxing and pleasing to the eye. Our itinerary doesn’t only just cover delicious foods and luxury comfort, it also includes must- sees garden flowers too.

Eagerly to show what I’ve acquired in the course of my Baguio tour, the splash of flowers and attractive features, this is something that gives identity to a certain place,’’Botanical garden of Baguio’’ the field of blooming flowers and an outstanding park for the dahlias. The best series of dahlias can be seen around minus the fragrance as a notable exception, you can also see here all the growing species in a cooler environment and my free time to appreciate is limitless.

The scene satisfies my cravings to photograph everything. One of the great things that I love is photography no matter if it’s indoor or outdoor location is considerably an overwhelming hobby. It took an hour to finished,  shows my expression of love for the flowers and it leaves unforgettable memories to remember.

Pleasingly beautiful to the point of my interest, my top choices  are the dahlia flowers. I’ve completed all the varieties from single to the large ones. If you like beautiful flowers, you’ll surely love these dahlias!

Types of Dahlias

Dahlia flower- are sun lovers and  tender perennials forming tuberous roots. They are fast growing plant that comes in every color carried on long stems above erect plants and classified by both size and type from the big-sized dinner-plate varieties down to the midget pompoms. Wild species were the first introduced in the British Isles.  Dahlias are very useful in flower arrangement and garden decoration, they are graceful landscape plants and good for borders and mass planting.

Single-flowered dahlia – Single blooms, having one row of smooth ray florets surrounding a central disk.

Peony-flowered dahlia- having two to three rows of broad and usually flat petals           surrounding a central disk.

Decorative dinner plate dahlia – A huge plate-sized blooms.

Informal decorative dahlia

Formal decorative dahlia – The double flowers have broad petals which are normally flat and sometimes slightly twisted and bluntly pointed or rounded at the tips. This class covers a wide range similar to pompom and cactus.

Twisted dahlia – Florets are twisted and curved.

Collarette dahlia – Brightly colored flowers with one or more rings of flat ray florets, the ring collar of smaller florets about half of the ray florets.

Bi-colored dahlia

Double show and Fancy dahlia – Fully double and almost globular in shape. The central florets slightly smaller than the outer florets. The show types are self-colored while the fancy types are bi-colored and variegated. One of the oldest classes.

Cactus dahlia

Cactus dahlia – are very popular for flower arrangement,  show no disk and fully double flowers have a straight or in curving petals that tends to be narrow and pointed star-like appearance.

Waterlily dahlia

Orchid-flowered dahlia

Note: (Not available at the moment, to be added soon. Pompom dahlia, Orchid dahlia, Anemone-flowered dahlia, Star-flowered dahlia, Miscellaneous…)

The botanical garden has an area specifically designed for dahlias only. In the Philippines, you can find the best hybrid varieties in Baguio and Tagaytay, the two largest flower producers in the country. Most dahlias we grow today are the product of botanist and gardener’s breeding effort.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Best Flowers for the Honeybees

By on February 6, 2018

I have photographed these honeybees while walking around the Botanical garden of Baguio. These honeybees are very active pollinating different flowers of all kinds, it’s the best kind of flowers adapted to these particular kind of insect. Pretty much and lucky enough to take them at the right moment.

Photos of Honeybees pollinating different flowers











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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Pollinators: Honeybee and Butterfly

By on February 2, 2018

They have the same thing in common and share the same thing in common, both are pollinators and together, they love to pollinate the same kind of flower. These 2 agents of pollination knows where to position themselves when pollinating a certain flower.

The butterfly hanging upside down position and the honeybee on top. Other photo down shows the butterfly on the left and honeybee at the right and habitually switching places all the time.

I have captured these photos while roaming around ”Botanical garden of Baguio city” Together they caught my attention, this is a rare chance to take. Lucky enough to snap a picture.

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Restaurant Review

Diner on 16th Overloaded Milkshakes

By on October 13, 2017

People around Kapitolyo knows about these Overloaded milkshakes. I heard about this Diner on 16th from a dear friend, got so curious but didn’t give much interest till I craved for it! I’m so excited to try these Overloaded milkshakes. Diner on 16th is a casual restaurant that serves a typical all American comfort food. Me with my friend went there one hot afternoon, the best choice for us is something more substantial on a hot day so it goes for Overloaded milkshakes be our first order.

Diner on 16th

Strawberry Cotton Candy Cone Milkshake – the most popular among all milkshakes that everyone loves. Elegant presentation with cotton candy on top, enticing enough for the kids and will surely bring a happy smile to little kids face.

A wonderful creation to entertain you, when it flows, it’s perfect. You can just sit down and relax and let Overloaded Milkshake entertain you. It is always be the best choice for the youngsters especially college students. The sweetness is just light.

The second milkshake will tempt you even more, S’nores Milkshake it is rich and creamy with a fluffy sponge cake on top. Glossy and sophisticated! Very inviting presentation as shown and that makes it unique from the rest of other milkshakes around Kapitolyo.

Other Wonderful Milkshake creations to choose from; Strawberry cotton candy cone, Chocolate covered mallows, Chocolate milk and Strawberry flavored pretzels, Strawberry chocolate and caramel syrup+custard syrup. I think, it is not technically difficult but if you can create like this, you’ll achieve attractive effects. The taste is sweet and creamy.

Meatball Pasta

Fitting everything noontime, it’s time to sit down for a brunch. Our 3rd order, Meatball Pasta topped with 3 small meatballs and 2 bread sticks.As shown, garnished with fine celery leaves. The clean presentation is quite good but the taste is just right.

Soy Ginger Glazed Chicken with Ube Waffles

Followed by our last order which is a combination serving, this is good for sharing, Soy Ginger Glazed Chicken with Ube Waffles nicely formed Ube flavored waffle topped with icing sugar that unites for both breakfast and lunch with 3 small pieces of chicken slightly browned and crisp served with maple syrup and a heart-shaped butter good enough to spread-out. The Soy Ginger Glazed Chicken was crispy but not my taste buds can go all with it, just a selected few.Let me try again next time…

Diner on 16th is an American Comfort Food. 

 Address: 16 United Street, Kapitolyo, Pasig, Metro Manila

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My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Travel and Adventure

Club Balai Isabel- Talisay Batangas

By on September 15, 2017

Bringing you through beautiful destination, savor the sun, sand and blue lake with a dramatic landscape. One of the many summer resorts in Batangas and it’s  not a hard-to-reach location with just 2 hours away from Manila , Club Balai Isabel an elegant resort is a major tourist attraction with  hotel rooms, lakeview and poolside buffet restaurant, sports facilities, spa, outdoor pool just beside the restaurant and free wifi access throughout the place.

It may not be at the top of your lists but It is a good place to visit for those who wish to find stunning view up close and personal to see Taal lake and volcano. In addition along interesting features are the beautiful tables lined along the shore is a dramatic set- up for lovers, it’s an outdoor eating  and best dining lake shore and the floating restaurant for a relaxed paced for lengthy conversations.

When I was in Tagaytay Taal Vista,I can only view Taal volcano from afar, it was just an aerial view from the top but here in Balai Isabel, you can get up a close and personal to see Taal lake and volcano.

There’s a built-in ready made rectangle frame to take pictures with the view of Taal volcano, all of the above landscape makes the best wedding venues too.

My favorite site, the spot of outstanding natural beauty.

Club Balai Isabel Hotel


Poolside break. Experience fine dining at poolside, this is  my favorite poolside snack Buko Halohalo.

Floating Restaurant


Floating Restaurant


Resort Club Balai Isabel


Resort Club Balai Isabel


Resort Club Balai Isabel


Resort Club Balai Isabel

All of these, it’s worth a visit

For more, Visit Balai Isabel website or check availability
Club Balai Isabel
Fairways drive, Talisay, Batangas

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Summer Outdoor Photography

By on September 11, 2017

I’m having a good time viewing particular scene, so busy checking and organizing old photos from summer outdoor photography. Months has been passed but still I can feel the scents of summer upon seeing it, how nice to bring back moments from before. Few photos shows broad and lovely setting that will surely change your mood, it depends upon time of the day taken. Result shows timely but to some photos, I admired. Check the results of my outdoor photography, it’s my daily collection to keep memories bright and alive all the time.

Sometimes, you don’t need to look afar, my surroundings has more to offer when it comes to my daily activities. I’m doing a good habit to find the best subject which is closer and nearest to home. Following my daily path, the bees, butterflies, birds, flowers and insects are the easiest to capture which serves as the best subject.

The refreshing image of hibiscus will give lushness of the garden. Gumamela widely spread around and it’s commonly called, ”Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis” I never miss to photograph the first flower appeared in the morning. What a cheerful sight to see all the glorious blooms!

Red Hibiscus is a Chinese single petal Gumamela  it’s commonly called,”Rose of China”

Another particular scene shows the reflections of the sun far from behind the Orange Gumamela

You can see here the natural light behind the subject, the widespread of sun rays reflections that passes through straight direction, it produces and fully emphasized multi-colored lights, it seems the flowers and the honeybee absorbs the light completely.

The direct sun rays pointing to the the honeybees while pollinating the flower, it makes the color of the 2 subjects to appear clearly brighter but it’s quiet dramatic. Scene like these, is a rare snapshots!

The last one, this image will probably change your mood, it was captured late in the afternoon…

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Pollination: Honeybees Upside Down Position

By on August 31, 2017

It’s honeybee  olympics,”The Insect Olympics,” Let me show you some exciting and incredible tricks of the honeybees, you’ll see the worker bee performing some great deal of balance in the air while pollinating the flowers. Having a hard time reaching the nectar, honeybees turn their bodies upside down position, the easiest approach and most comfortable way to collect nectar but only a few can…

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My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Travel and Adventure

Sunset Taken On Board a Vessel

By on August 20, 2017

Weather has a powerful influence when photographing a sunset sometimes, whirlwinds of black clouds blown away. When temperature drops, high winds begin to move very fast blocking the sunset and masses of black clouds reduces the amount of radiance.

From the higher viewpoint, the mass of black clouds formation is a dramatic element, rain will surely comes after sundown however, it’s just a temporary blocking but as you can see, the orange reflections above can still be viewed from afar.

Sunset taken on board a vessel- Strait of Malacca, Indonesia

Sailing Photography

At lower viewpoint, Down there, the sun appeared at full dramatic view with an strangely-shaped masses of black columns at the background. It was a warmth evening glow!

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

How do Carpenter bees Pollinate Flowers?

By on August 18, 2017

When a carpenter bee (Bubuyog) visits the flower, it pushes its way into the tube like bell petals in order to sip the nectar. Most of our flowering plants have large flowers specifically fitted for the insect pollination but the bell petals simply the easiest to pollinate. In doing so, they transfer the pollen from one flower to another, the transfer of pollen is called ”cross pollination”

The interesting part to show you here is the process of step-by-step pollination done by a certain carpenter bee.This is quiet hard for me to photograph while observing the bees, the good part, I’ve completed the whole process. As shown, this is how a small carpenter bee pollinate a flower

The first step

The second step

The third step, the small carpenter bee will stay for a minute to pollinate and come back again to pollinate the same flower, the bee comes and go for at least a hundred times a day.

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My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Travel and Adventure

Memorable Moments of Summertime

By on August 16, 2017

One thing I never forget to bring home is the memorable moments from previous travels or road trips everywhere. One summertime moment that I absolutely treasured is this beautiful cliffside. I was once here with a camera on hand spending a quiet afternoon on top of a cliff watching the amazing nature scene. In here, you’ll never run out of nature’s beauty like the beautiful coastline between the mountains and the sea overlooking Marina and Tali beach. In  addition, the amazing flame of the sunset reflections to color the whole surroundings, you don’t need to go further out there, the good location serves as the  best advantage to take more pictures in one area.

Here’s sharing just a few of my memorable moments of summertime, it was fun and exciting to capture the beauty of nature around us, a scene like these provides spiritual escape from the troubles of the mundane world.

Somewhere here in Cliff Jump site Nasugbu, Batangas, towards the sea, there’s a stunning cliffside house. (First photo above) For me, this is one good example of exceptional architectural design. Life on the edge of a cliff,  it’s the best advantage to see the panoramic view of the surroundings; from sunrise to sunset, your spirit will rise to see the rolling waves and flying fishes down there, to see jet skis, speed boat raising, banana rides to name a few…

A simple but  beautiful house on a hillside, it’s a seaside house with a well- manicured landscape. This is one good example of achieving the impression of spaciousness, it looks wider and bigger with the 2 big trees in front with the warm season green grass forming a mat, there’s no over-crowding out here. Spacious ground serves as a good playing field for the kids. According to senior landscapers, the major mistake of some gardeners if they plant and install too many effects and features are crammed into a confined space. That’s irritating to see!

Cliffside scattered rock formations down there.

One last aerial photography, a panoramic view down there. I was here beside the big tree waiting for the sunset time. When an adventure begins and suddenly ends up after 5 pictures, I would be very happy to  to show you more great adventures of mine  next posts…

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