Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

The Fairy Butterfly

By on December 1, 2017

There’s no preventive measures taken to drive away garden pests here especially the caterpillars, even if serious attacks can be expected to cause damages to some plants, it’s not that troublesome garden pests, damage is just mild and not severe. The coolness factor, they will surely turn into beautiful butterflies, a natural beauty and a good garden display for photography. I’m just waiting for that time.

Eventually, the right time comes earlier than expected, a white butterfly caught up hanging on a grass that looks like a beautiful and elegant fairy in bridal gown. It looks like a lavish floating angel wearing an ivory silk laced gown and skirt double flared with an outlined brownish shade that flows naturally downward…

There’s no absolutely no reason to have a boring garden, having some pollinators in the backyard garden gives me a wide range of possibilities to take good butterfly pictures with a number of different angles probably but this one is just simple but a hard to catch angle. More butterfly images next posts, all butterflies was captured in our own garden, call it our morning pollinators.

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