My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Travel and Adventure | Wildlife/Animals/Pets

Clouds That Looks Like a Cat

By on July 8, 2015


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I looked up overhead with interest,the formation of clouds in the sky looks like a cat. A rare image that is hard to catch but easy to photograph. Watching with amazement,I took my camera and snapped it right away. It’s just a sort of a smile that only leaves a few seconds to take pictures. I don’t even know when to expect the animal formation of clouds again.

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My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Wildlife/Animals/Pets

Cat Playing Peek-a-Boo

By on August 1, 2013

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”Nikki” displaying her naughty tricks. She knows how to hide her face using her left paw and showing up her pinky tongue.

Our cat,”Nikki” knows how to play Peek-A-Boo.It’s a game intended for humans but my our cat does.Nikki is a member of the family,trusted friend and a loyal companion.She’s a jolly playful cat and loves the company of humans. I just love the quiet atmosphere with her as she loves us unconditionally. Somehow,gave me a happy feeling and taught me how to be patient all the time.

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Our playful cat. Funny isn’t it?

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