Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Only for the Flowers

By on February 17, 2014

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On my way home, I saw a queen bee pollinating the flowers, I immediately grabbed my camera to take a snapshot. As I was about to press the shutter,it flew backwards. I followed it again for the 2nd time, it flew straight to my camera encircling my head. How aggressive! I just stand-by firmly, I didn’t make any movement in order to be safe. For the 2rd try, I pressed the shutter and it’s done! That time, it was about to rain and I hurriedly packed everything before it gets wet.

To my surprised when I saw this photo. Where is the bee? The queen bee is nowhere to be found. Whew! I’ve missed to check my camera earlier. So the result,what is left are the flowers minus the queen bee. I really thought it was successful, How tough and aggressive to photographed such one. Previously, I have photographed the honeybees and the city bees. I can even touch these bees unlike the queen bee,it was quite bigger and aggressive, I can’t even come closer, so scared that its just like breaking my brain cells into pieces. It just happened that I’m also an aggressive photographer and I’m sure, I will get her back soon!

Note: (Click on image to view larger.


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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Harvest Man Spider

By on June 3, 2013

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Harvest man spider

A spider with long legged legs,feed on flies,mosquitoes and other tiny insects usually spinning web to catch all kinds of insects. I’ve found these harvest man spider while cleaning the house,I was lucky to discover it during daytime. Spiders usually hide by day,this one remains hanging and sleeping quietly on his own web.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Wildlife/Animals/Pets

Blogger as a Photographer

By on November 14, 2012

Last summer,It was too hot and it makes me tired to photograph all my scheduled subjects.I took a snap in the morning,just before lunch time and continued to finish all the way through.Everyday is just a practice,being hopeful the sky is clear and the wind will not blow. Bright blue sky  gives  a brighter color. There were times when the wind blows, the petals of the flowers drifted away,that would be very disappointing for the honeybees to pollinate it.Having these flowers that supplies food in the form of a nectar and pollen is good for the pollinators.I’m glad that our own garden provides the right flowers to attract different kinds of insects such as: honeybees,  butterflies,dragonflies, worms,etc.

I’m not a photographer but, I’m one of the persevering few seeking suggestions from pros! I can honestly  say that If you love good images of nature and life,no matter if you are a pro or not! We have the same thing in common.We are all interested to give justice and to contribute to the beauty of nature.However, Photography for me is more than a hobby, I need quality images for blogging purposes. What do you think? It would be interesting to read an article with complete illustration,pictures, short texts that will help you understand what I’m talking about.It’s my own way to lessen the words hence, making it shorter and understandable.

Luckily, I’ve collected some good images, hence,giving me more interest to continue my hobby but, I got bored of the same subject and color of my surroundings. I feel like there is something missing,  the image itself is not a good result.I got tired of my existing photos and wasn’t happy with it anymore.

 (click on images to view larger)

My interesting subject of science, ‘The Honeybees as an agent of pollination.‘It’ fun to bond with my  morning visitors in the garden.I can just simply include myself as an extra here!

Today, An idea hit me! What about using an artificial background? I learned this idea from a good friend who happens to be a professional photographer of Daily magazines. I just discovered that photos can be taken using techniques too.Previously, I have applied to a tree sparrow and thought it will also works for the honeybees. Using artificial background is just as deceiving your sight too. I’m aware of these. I know it will not come out to be a natural but, I want to try all sorts.It was an easy trick! See if it works, I’m worried what the result would be.  

How did I do it? 

Oh well, Got 3 A’s photography here. 3-A’s  stands for Awful,Annoying andamazing photographs. The idea was simple and easy.I tried hanging colored cardboard, some printed piece of magazines and colored art papers just behind the flower. All i have to do is to wait for the proper timing,waiting for the coming of honeybees to pollinate the said flower. It does not take longer since the bees keeps coming back many times to pollinate it again and again.At times, backing off to give ample time for the honeybees to get used to the presence of the light colored board.

Now, let us check the result.If you find it annoying,well, as I’ve said, it’s a part of learning! I want you to know that these website of mine is the right place to comment, you can raise all your concerns and  suggestions. You can even criticize it,I swear! I will welcome criticisms as long as you’ll do it dramatically graceful cause it hurts. LOL!

Check the 2 images below.

The Honeybee at sunrise

The Honeybee at sunset 

Using artificial background to both images, To compare both photographs of the sunrise and the sunset, Is it noticeable? According to some viewers, it creates a dramatic atmosphere.

This is a dreamy land for the honeybee.I have used a printed material behind the flower for a brighter background.

The start of spring

The garden setting, and again, I have use a garden background from a colorful page of  the magazine.

The honeybee together with the dinosaur. Its hard to to position the dinosaur image behind. It looks strange,isn’t it?  Note: View more images next post.

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About the Author

About the Author

By on October 6, 2011

Welcome to Live, Life and Love Hi! I’m Mari. My blog is all about me, my experience, wildlife, photography, travel and adventure, culture, tradition and other people that will give you a better perspective of the time in which you live. In here, You’ll discover the things I love most and passionate about, it was a clearer picture me. I just want to treat myself  happy with the things around, appreciating and embracing different elements drawing from my experience. Definitely, I’m learning from it.

I usually focus to more educational and informative topics expressing my own thoughts using my own words, ideas, and honest statements. Included here are my collection of facts and dreams with beautiful photographs to make it visible for your inspiration and browsing pleasure to inspire you day after day.

I would like to share my stories with the world, with photographs that will serve as a support to see and understand details of what is being described. This is  to share reality and speak from experience whether, it is something new or unfamiliar,not stories have been retold many times.To see the photograph itself, you can surely make your own thoughts and my feelings visible to share with you and my  site serves to store my thoughts and ideas. Of course, I can tell a lot of things by looking at the photographs alone following my explanation to achieve my purpose  even though,  photographs can speaks for itself, the author can simply fill up the missing part of it.

This is what I want to do in my life, to write, share my learning and stories to make you a part of it. When you come to know more about yourself, you’ll know what you can offer to the world. This is what I can offer to you!

I feel great to share with you not only my interesting stories but also to inspire you viewing  spectacular and timeless photos. Read my articles about  the birds, with my conservation message,and my lifelong dedication and contribution to wildlife.Thank you readers for the positive feedback.I have learned a lot from you. I will post 3 to 4x a week.

If you have concerns and suggestions,I want to hear from you.

Feel free to contact me

Note:  If there is any oversight may have been made is unintentional and will be corrected.  If there is any resemblance to any actual place, events, locales or persons is entirely coincidental.

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