Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Stunning Close-Up Photos of Honeybees

By on August 4, 2021

My Macro Photography

With macro, you can see how detailed the small portion of the honeybee appearance. These honeybees are my morning visitors, I was fortunate to take photos with ease all in the comfort of our own garden.

Honeybee constant movement and flight patterns is difficult to take, it really requires patience and observation. During photography time as my most quiet moments, I treat bees as my friends the same way as humans, it’s just a bond throughout photography hour. I just need them to keep still for a second for zoom setting.

Honeybees Extreme Close-Up Shots

As the morning sunshine illuminates the honeybees, it lends a golden glow to this scene.

You can clearly see their complete body parts; triangular head, pair of sensory antennae, thorax, abdomen, three pairs of legs, outer shell called exoskeleton.

Honeybees has 5 eyes: 2 compound eyes and 3 simple eyes.

Till next post… Take care and Keep Safe

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Stunning Mating Butterflies

By on October 15, 2020

Seeing the monarch butterflies, my first morning guests, mating was a lovely surprise. You’ve probably never seen something like this before—a mass migration of insects.

Take a closer look of my macro subject, this is a rare shots you need to see at least once.

Attempting a few close-ups will make every flaw visible, as well as making the butterflies look much bigger than they actually are.

Okay, guys! Until my next post, take care! I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog.

Take care and Goodnight

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Pollinator-Friendly Garden/Baguio Botanical Park

By on September 23, 2020

For nature lovers and flower enthusiasts, one attraction you should never miss when visiting the city of Pines (Baguio city) is the Botanical Garden, it is a peaceful refuge to reconnect with nature, you’ll see here the most beautiful flowers that comes in range of colors from bright pink, red, orange, and yellow, name it, they all have it! Other flowers with lovely blossoms turning to wonder shades of blue, purple and deep red in the afternoon, it added interesting textures to the garden.

 I never miss to visit this place when in the ‘’City of the Cool Sun’’ I’m putting more time to enjoy strolling around the stunning hidden paths of the outstandingly handsome foliage and perennials grown directly in the ground.

The buzzing of bees and the presence of other pollinators like honeybees and butterflies caught my attention, couldn’t help but snap few photos, taking snapshots is fun and rewarding undertaking while enjoying the cool weather. Let me show you some of the photos taken there but I tell you one thing, flowers be the most frequently photographed subject of nature but to include the honeybees pollinating the flowers makes it more interesting, that should be kept in mind too. Hope you’ll agree after viewing, Let’s get started!

Photos of Beautiful Flowers and the Honeybees

Baguio Botanical Garden is really a pollinator- friendly garden, you’ll see here the process of pollination, on how honeybees pollinate the flowers. Stunning Dahlias produced the larger flowers of all varieties.

Me with the honeybees working together they will pollinate the flowers, I do the shots. This is ‘lil fun Jo!

Focusing very close to the subject to get this result, macro shots!

I’m very careful in doing this, timing must be precise enough not to disturb bees.

Dahlia flowers- the best flowers for the honeybees, it provides pollen and sweet nectar which is the favorite of the honeybees however, you’ll see the Inula and everlasting flowers which are also a honeybee favorite as well.

How do bees pollinate flowers? Check my macro shots.

Honeybees feast on everlasting flowers too.

Honeybees pollinating Inula flowers.

Baguio Botanical Garden is really a restful shelter on hot summer days, a place of relaxation and tranquility.

Thanks for reading my blog!

See you next posts..

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

The Fairy Butterfly

By on December 1, 2017

There’s no preventive measures taken to drive away garden pests here especially the caterpillars, even if serious attacks can be expected to cause damages to some plants, it’s not that troublesome garden pests, damage is just mild and not severe. The coolness factor, they will surely turn into beautiful butterflies, a natural beauty and a good garden display for photography. I’m just waiting for that time.

Eventually, the right time comes earlier than expected, a white butterfly caught up hanging on a grass that looks like a beautiful and elegant fairy in bridal gown. It looks like a lavish floating angel wearing an ivory silk laced gown and skirt double flared with an outlined brownish shade that flows naturally downward…

There’s no absolutely no reason to have a boring garden, having some pollinators in the backyard garden gives me a wide range of possibilities to take good butterfly pictures with a number of different angles probably but this one is just simple but a hard to catch angle. More butterfly images next posts, all butterflies was captured in our own garden, call it our morning pollinators.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

How do Carpenter bees Pollinate Flowers?

By on August 18, 2017

When a carpenter bee (Bubuyog) visits the flower, it pushes its way into the tube like bell petals in order to sip the nectar. Most of our flowering plants have large flowers specifically fitted for the insect pollination but the bell petals simply the easiest to pollinate. In doing so, they transfer the pollen from one flower to another, the transfer of pollen is called ”cross pollination”

The interesting part to show you here is the process of step-by-step pollination done by a certain carpenter bee.This is quiet hard for me to photograph while observing the bees, the good part, I’ve completed the whole process. As shown, this is how a small carpenter bee pollinate a flower

The first step

The second step

The third step, the small carpenter bee will stay for a minute to pollinate and come back again to pollinate the same flower, the bee comes and go for at least a hundred times a day.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects

Muntingia Calabura Fruit andFlowers

By on March 10, 2017

Muntingia Calabura  blooming under full sun,the petals changes its position and lean to the light and flop over. It’s a small,and white star-like flower that has a crepe texture petals and golden yellow anther that attracted insects around. However, the sepal and stigma  is color green,so with the evergreen leaves. During hot season, the taste of the fruit is quiet sweet and juicy but during rainy days, it’s tasteless as it’s only good for the birds and honeybees.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects

Red Rose of China-Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis

By on November 25, 2016

What a gloomy feeling but these morning starters, Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis flowers will cheer me up. Since it’s a common flower around that we see it everyday and every time  around the corner that its simply boring, the only way to be appreciated is to make the shots beautiful. I captured these flowers while doing my daily jogging at Capitol Commons, I was about to finish my last round but in between quick stop to snap the flower. That’s a bit distraction, Whew! It’s good I brought with me my iPhone, just a right time to snap also the bumble bees and the butterflies.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Black Monarch Butterfly in the Garden

By on November 1, 2016

Another quick snapshot of Monarch butterfly done today. It appeared just after the rainfall and here it goes! The wings widely spread-out. Thanks God! it seems she’s showing the color pattern of her wings. The shiny black colorful pattern, this is a bad warning to any predators as it is said to be poisonous! The position, you can easily identify what kind of butterfly is this.

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