My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Wildlife/Animals/Pets

Turtle Dove Gallery

By on October 10, 2015

A small and slim dove with a fan-shaped spotted wings.They are very easy to spot as they come to visit regularly and spend much time on the ground. They mixed with other flocks of tree and house sparrows searching for food around preferably, chicken feeds and scraps.

Turtle Dove Gallery (8 Photos)

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Lantana Flower

By on July 14, 2015

Maintaining your own garden and plant your own desired flowering plants, all those various gardening works and efforts will rewards you with colorful blooms. One choice which is good in the garden is Lantana.

Lantana– has a woody shrubs and rough leaves with brightly colored flowers. Many varieties such as ;pink,violet,white,yellow,light red and the combination of 3 colors in the same clusters.Just like the sunflowers,they grow in full sun.Good as floorer,patio display,hanging and window baskets.

Different Colors of Lantana Flower

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