Brown Wagtail carrying a fruit in its mouth.This bird is a regular visitor in my garden.
I found birds to be an interesting subject but, challenging one.It’s really hard to photograph a bird; keeps on changing position and they don’t keep still. Perhaps, I need to learn about bird’s behavior in order to cope with it. My problem is how to get closer in order to get a sharp image.Lately,I’ve made lots of errors resulting to blurry and faded images. I’ve been practicing for a week now and, I hope I can improve it in the coming weeks to come. I want my photography result to be as good as these ”MIGRATORY BIRDS,’‘ and this one,”THE OWL,SILENT HUNTERS OF THE NIGHT.’‘
In our garden, the same kind of birds visiting everyday.Fruit trees in our backyard attracted different species of birds. I can only see four kinds that my own backyard provides,and probably the most common ones. It’s just as boring to see the same kind of birds. Do I really need to go on adventure to the forest to shoot all kinds? That would be exciting!
In here, If you check the image of my bird above, You don’t see any tail,I’ve missed it.That’s one error I’ve made.I’m not even ashame to show and publish my first bird image because I will learn from these. It’s correcting my mistakes in a way that benefitted my photography.I need a guidance to make a good image result.Tomorrow,I will buy a book about photographing birds. I think it will help. . I just hope you, photographers out there will share your smart tecnique in photographing the birds. Check any improvement in the coming days. I just hope I can make it!