Miniature roses with semi-doubled petals, it’s just like the hybrid ones but in tiny version. Miniature roses are reproduced by cutting and multiplied through grafting.To ensure continuous blooming, a bit care to remove the dried blooms. It’s a cute container plant and good as house plants as it may also looks good as table centerpiece.
Tag: Plants
Pink Roses
By livelifeandlove on August 4, 2015Impatient rose is a Floribunda, it is fragrant and deep bright pink. It looks like the Hybrid Tea. The glorious bloom i never miss to photograph the first flowers appeared in the morning.
3 Beautiful photos of Impatient Roses
Pink Gumamela Flower Shines Like Jewel in the Dark
By livelifeandlove on July 26, 2015Pink Gumamela (Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis Flower) on a partly shady and sunny location, it shines like a jewel in the dark.
Morning Butterfly
By livelifeandlove on July 24, 2015Yesterday was a foggy morning but today, I was awakened to a bright sunny morning and more brighter when I saw this monarch butterfly. I was surprised to see a butterfly landed on a cove flower. The white wall seemingly helps emphasize the dotted colors of the butterfly.
By livelifeandlove on July 15, 2015It’s a transition from dry to rainy season. Summer ends and rainy season starts, there’s a great change in temperature from day to night, it’s hot in the morning although the afternoon brings slow showers to make surroundings bit cool. In our area, the skies are clear but when night comes, we experienced occasional rains and thunderstorms. I really hate the flash of lightning and growling thunder, the rain coming down so hard, I could barely keep my eyes open and stand up to close the side window. Disturbing huh!
There’s also a sudden change of schedule, I missed my summer activities. Outdoor photography is more limited nowadays because dark clouds are forming early in the afternoon but I can go on activities in the morning and stop in the afternoon. Sometimes, if you experienced too much rain and ground is messy wet and slippery, you’ll miss summertime, I would also be missing the sunset snaps too.
After the strong winds and dark clouds, the rain comes. I took these raindrop photos in the morning, just as after the downpour.
Just as summer is the best time to do all outdoor photography, the warmth from the sun makes surprisingly comfortable when it comes to outdoor activities. Earlier,I stored more photos to my folder, all those interesting snaps taken last summer such as; sunset, beautiful landscape and wildlife which is tough to handle because of the bug bites and few blisters, it’s alright! All photos stored up here is already sufficient to ensure continuous posting for a month, I need not to worry about my blog photos anymore.
The dry land flakes last summer. I hate to see dry lands..
Beautiful Sunflowers
By livelifeandlove on July 13, 2015Collecting seeds from sunflowers is fun, much more if you see them growing in your own garden. Last summer, I’ve collected few seeds of sunflowers in Tagaytay garden. What I did, I separated seeds from the pods and spread it in a dry place under the sun to give them time to dry. A week after, I stored them in a container waiting for my free time to plant. I’ve planted them on the corners of the garden, some on the borders. A month after, It’s nice to see the first bloom of the hybrid variety.What a beautiful sunflower! Sunflowers, they prefer full sun and grow in any kind of soil. Our soil in the garden is quite dry and rocky still, the sunflowers can withstand the high heat, they are really tolerant of heat and drought.
Note: (Click on image to view larger)
Close-up Pictures of Sunflowers
What is this fly doing here? Is it considered as a pollinator? maybe …
By livelifeandlove on July 11, 2015Varieties of pumpkin are many, their shapes, color and sizes are different that may be used for home decoration and Halloween accent.
Monarch Butterfly in the garage
By livelifeandlove on June 3, 2015It came to the right place when I’m about to leave in minutes suddenly, a gorgeous butterfly appeared in front of me. It was a good timing because I was holding my iphone that time when I was still in the garage, I immediately point it out to photograph. Just a brief moment and the butterfly flew away. Thanks God! the focus was quiet good. I’ve captured it using iphone and my first butterfly click using iphone.
Dendrobium Hybrids
Some flowering plants are reliable during hot days that makes my daily activities in the garden l going on ; the watering 2x a day, weeds removing, cutting, re-potting, shading, and cultivating. Although, the soil is still rough and rugged, hot days seems to give more problems to our plants.The more dry it gets,the more attention needed.It’s already middle of May and the transitional period is fast approaching. The end of May would already be rainy season. I can just imagine 3 months of ground wet and I just hope there would be no tropical depressions, I just hate another ”Ondoys and Yolandas” to come.
Some orchids are available during hot days.
Just 2 weeks of waiting and soon, green grasses will quickly spread again to invade all spaces in the backyard. Soon, there would be another set of flowering plants to fit the season.
By livelifeandlove on April 23, 2014After my 3 days vacation in Tagaytay, one of the best features that I will highlight here is the Sunflower field. It’s not that hard to find this common kind because it is wild form. As you know, sunflowers can withstand the dry conditions of the soil. I’ve noticed that sunflower grow and spread faster especially if the space is not limited.
With the rich soil and temperate climate of Tagaytay, all the subdivision vacant plots was loaded with these flowers and some growing salad vegetables. Exploring the farm under full bright sun makes me feel exhausted, the heat of the sun was so intense that makes my skin bit darker. However, the sky clouds seemingly low and blue in color, thought it would make a beautiful background to produce lovely shots.
Gardening was much improved over the years, the presence of different species of flowering plants and wild forms have flourished. If you follow the routes going to the tropical forest, you’ll discover unique varieties with wide range and colors.
Sunflower produces wide golden-yellow blooms which is abundant throughout summer. From the name itself, of course, sunflower is a summer flower that loves the sun. Attractive as it looks, big lovely splash of golden-yellow petals makes the best decorative background in the farm. For me, every garden must have the wild side, the attendance of wild sunflowers must be present for the garden to look brilliantly natural.
Would love to take home some, I want a sunflower garden of my own. I’ve collected some dried sunflowers so I can get seeds from it. Sunflowers can be raised from seeds. I’ll bring it home and scatter those seeds in the garden.
Here are some of the photos I took during the first day of my vacation there. Lets get started!
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Nature’s view, it was wild and lovely in full golden yellow.
Wild blooms, rows of yellow wild and free.
You can see here, the clear view, beside the field is a summer house.
Sky viewing with the sunflowers. I feel like cutting these flowers, it would probably looks lovely over my left ear.
Here’s catching higher view, the sunflower plant is taller than me.
I’ve seen sunflowers around so many instances but, closer distance makes the difference.
I have to raise my camera in order to include the sky background.
Wide spread, my individual photo of sunflower.
How I wish to pick up some for my vases but, I didn’t bring any gardening tools, the stem was so hard.
I’ve seen giant sunflowers so many other instances but closer distance makes a big difference, you can touch it and see closer to the pollinating insects nearby.
I’m glad ,all shots came up to be beautiful, the clear blue sky make candid shots to bring out the beauty of the sunflowers.I hope you’ll like it. More garden flowers of Tagaytay next, my journey continues next posts.