Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Stunning Mating Butterflies

By on October 15, 2020

Seeing the monarch butterflies, my first morning guests, mating was a lovely surprise. You’ve probably never seen something like this before—a mass migration of insects.

Take a closer look of my macro subject, this is a rare shots you need to see at least once.

Attempting a few close-ups will make every flaw visible, as well as making the butterflies look much bigger than they actually are.

Okay, guys! Until my next post, take care! I appreciate you taking the time to read my blog.

Take care and Goodnight

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Beautiful Monarch Butterfly Landed On Flower

By on November 27, 2018

I adore being able to go outside and enjoy the perfect weather. This morning has started off very kind! Both the presence of beautiful garden delights and the value of this feature as a visual element contribute to the overall aesthetic value of the garden and the beauty of flowers with the surprising variety of butterflies. A burst of color can be provided by your garden’s ornamental components if it has been thoughtfully designed. This month, there has been an abundance of butterflies of many different species; they provide a pleasant source of joy in the morning.

Lantanas possesses an inherent beauty all its own, with cascading colors that open to the most exquisite flowers in pink, yellow, and fuschia.

A monarch butterfly alighting on a flower for a moment before taking flight…

A monarch butterfly feeds on the nectar of lantana flowers in a cluster. They perform the same function of pollination as bees.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Summer Outdoor Photography

By on September 11, 2017

I’m having a good time viewing particular scene, so busy checking and organizing old photos from summer outdoor photography. Months has been passed but still I can feel the scents of summer upon seeing it, how nice to bring back moments from before. Few photos shows broad and lovely setting that will surely change your mood, it depends upon time of the day taken. Result shows timely but to some photos, I admired. Check the results of my outdoor photography, it’s my daily collection to keep memories bright and alive all the time.

Sometimes, you don’t need to look afar, my surroundings has more to offer when it comes to my daily activities. I’m doing a good habit to find the best subject which is closer and nearest to home. Following my daily path, the bees, butterflies, birds, flowers and insects are the easiest to capture which serves as the best subject.

The refreshing image of hibiscus will give lushness of the garden. Gumamela widely spread around and it’s commonly called, ”Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis” I never miss to photograph the first flower appeared in the morning. What a cheerful sight to see all the glorious blooms!

Red Hibiscus is a Chinese single petal Gumamela  it’s commonly called,”Rose of China”

Another particular scene shows the reflections of the sun far from behind the Orange Gumamela

You can see here the natural light behind the subject, the widespread of sun rays reflections that passes through straight direction, it produces and fully emphasized multi-colored lights, it seems the flowers and the honeybee absorbs the light completely.

The direct sun rays pointing to the the honeybees while pollinating the flower, it makes the color of the 2 subjects to appear clearly brighter but it’s quiet dramatic. Scene like these, is a rare snapshots!

The last one, this image will probably change your mood, it was captured late in the afternoon…

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Pollination: Honeybees Upside Down Position

By on August 31, 2017

It’s honeybee  olympics,”The Insect Olympics,” Let me show you some exciting and incredible tricks of the honeybees, you’ll see the worker bee performing some great deal of balance in the air while pollinating the flowers. Having a hard time reaching the nectar, honeybees turn their bodies upside down position, the easiest approach and most comfortable way to collect nectar but only a few can…

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

How do Carpenter bees Pollinate Flowers?

By on August 18, 2017

When a carpenter bee (Bubuyog) visits the flower, it pushes its way into the tube like bell petals in order to sip the nectar. Most of our flowering plants have large flowers specifically fitted for the insect pollination but the bell petals simply the easiest to pollinate. In doing so, they transfer the pollen from one flower to another, the transfer of pollen is called ”cross pollination”

The interesting part to show you here is the process of step-by-step pollination done by a certain carpenter bee.This is quiet hard for me to photograph while observing the bees, the good part, I’ve completed the whole process. As shown, this is how a small carpenter bee pollinate a flower

The first step

The second step

The third step, the small carpenter bee will stay for a minute to pollinate and come back again to pollinate the same flower, the bee comes and go for at least a hundred times a day.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects

Muntingia Calabura Fruit andFlowers

By on March 10, 2017

Muntingia Calabura  blooming under full sun,the petals changes its position and lean to the light and flop over. It’s a small,and white star-like flower that has a crepe texture petals and golden yellow anther that attracted insects around. However, the sepal and stigma  is color green,so with the evergreen leaves. During hot season, the taste of the fruit is quiet sweet and juicy but during rainy days, it’s tasteless as it’s only good for the birds and honeybees.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects

Red Rose of China-Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis

By on November 25, 2016

What a gloomy feeling but these morning starters, Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis flowers will cheer me up. Since it’s a common flower around that we see it everyday and every time  around the corner that its simply boring, the only way to be appreciated is to make the shots beautiful. I captured these flowers while doing my daily jogging at Capitol Commons, I was about to finish my last round but in between quick stop to snap the flower. That’s a bit distraction, Whew! It’s good I brought with me my iPhone, just a right time to snap also the bumble bees and the butterflies.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects

Orange Gumamela Flower with pink center

By on September 28, 2016

I love flowering plants that prolongs the moment of glory. A pleasure to see daily, one graceful example is this one. Orange Gumamela  with pink center ( Hibiscus flower )  is equally well in full bloom. The intense sunlight tends to stimulate flowering that brings brilliant natural colors.

To our own flowering plants in the garden, a lot of -plants already reached old age. The tired looking stems and discolored leaves tends to resign. I have to replace it annually with something new, a new plant with attractive flowers and this time, a more manageable one is truly good.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Muntingia Calabura Flower or Aratiles Flower

By on August 24, 2016

Not only exceptionally attractive tiny flower but  it is also  beneficial for the insects, it blooms all year round to provide basic food for them. I’ve photographed this tiny wildflower in the morning and to other flowers from previous posts was done in different position at different times of the day with the natural light of the sun. Some images with the sun rays pointing directly to the flower and others, just as in the  natural habitat.

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