My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Wildlife/Animals/Pets

Red Eared Slider

By on September 10, 2015

They are semi aquatic turtles with hard shell and limbs compressed with flippers or paddles.You can see the lining of red marks on both side of their ears.

Individual photos will reveal the structure of the hard shell however, got 2 photos of another kind which is completely different from the existing photos here, you’ll see it to my next posts.

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My Indoor and Outdoor Photography | Wildlife/Animals/Pets

Aquatic Turtle

By on September 8, 2015

This reptile, an aquatic kind of turtle but I don’t have any idea what’s this? I don’t know the exact name. Anyone? Herpetologist out there? The shell is quite rounded in form and they are completely different from the rest of turtles published from the previous posts. External structure of the shell, it resembles black Shiitake Dried Mushroom.It looks like a reptile with backbone resulting from dry spell! Oh sorry Golly!


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