Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | Wildlife/Animals/Pets

Bumblebees – Agent of Pollination

By on November 16, 2015

You can view here, clearly shows how they inserted their proboscis through the receptacle of the flower.

Bumblebee, considered as the most stinging bees because of their large size. If you hear the word bees, the first thing that comes into your mind in connection with honey and stinging pain but it is useful to humans because of their honey supply.

Being called as an insect pollinator, they are adopted to the flower of their choice. from the 2nd and 4th photos, you can see the bumblebees tuber-like mouth part(tongue or proboscis) to suck up the nectar of their chosen flowers. The nectar is converted within the bee into honey, pollen is mixed with honey or nectar to make bee bread as food of  young bees.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Vinca Periwinkle

By on August 26, 2015

Vinca Periwinkle are tropical plants with  5 petaled flowers and dark green glossy leaves. The variety of colors from rosy pink to light pink, pure white, fuschia, purple, pink rose with rose eye and white with pink eye centers. Vincas are not scented flowers but  sunit looks brightly attractive under the, they can stand to the hot condition of full sun, humidity and dry soil too.

Just as good and ideal to the kind of climate we have here. I don’t control the overgrowth of vincas in the backyard even if they are over-crowded because it looks good. If you alternate the different color combinations, it gives a vibrant delight in the garden.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Tiny Blossoms of Miniature Roses

By on August 17, 2015

  Miniature roses with semi-doubled petals, it’s just like the hybrid ones but in tiny version. Miniature roses are reproduced by cutting and multiplied through grafting.To ensure continuous blooming, a bit care to remove the dried blooms. It’s a cute container plant and good as house plants as it may also looks good as table centerpiece.

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography


By on July 15, 2015

It’s a transition from dry to rainy season. Summer ends and rainy season starts, there’s a great change in temperature from day to night, it’s hot in the morning although the afternoon brings slow showers to make surroundings bit cool. In our area, the skies are clear but when night comes, we experienced occasional rains and thunderstorms. I really hate the flash of lightning and growling thunder, the rain coming down so hard, I could barely keep my eyes open and stand up to close the side window. Disturbing huh!

There’s also a sudden change of schedule, I missed my summer activities. Outdoor  photography is more limited nowadays because dark clouds are forming early in the afternoon but I can go on activities in the morning and stop in the afternoon. Sometimes, if you experienced too much rain and ground is messy wet and slippery,  you’ll miss summertime, I would also be missing the sunset snaps too.

After the strong winds and dark clouds, the rain comes. I took these raindrop photos in the morning, just as after the downpour.

Just as summer is the best time to do all outdoor photography, the warmth from the sun makes surprisingly comfortable when it comes to outdoor activities. Earlier,I stored more photos to my folder, all those interesting snaps taken last summer such as; sunset, beautiful landscape and wildlife which is tough to handle because of the bug bites and few blisters, it’s alright! All photos stored up here is already sufficient to ensure continuous posting for a month, I need not to worry about my blog photos anymore.

The dry land flakes last summer. I hate to see dry lands..

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects | My Indoor and Outdoor Photography

Lantana Flower

By on July 14, 2015

Maintaining your own garden and plant your own desired flowering plants, all those various gardening works and efforts will rewards you with colorful blooms. One choice which is good in the garden is Lantana.

Lantana– has a woody shrubs and rough leaves with brightly colored flowers. Many varieties such as ;pink,violet,white,yellow,light red and the combination of 3 colors in the same clusters.Just like the sunflowers,they grow in full sun.Good as floorer,patio display,hanging and window baskets.

Different Colors of Lantana Flower

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Gardening/Greenery/Garden Insects


By on July 23, 2014

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Angel’s Trumpet or Trumpet flowers

Swaying gracefully as the wind blows, Angel’s trumpet or Trumpet flowers has a bell shaped flower hanging downward. Flowering profusely during summer, the best blooms will appear under full sun and the kind of flowering plant that works well in any types of soil.

Unlike other flowers, Angel’s trumpet is scentless but attractive. Other flowers which is similar to Angel’s trumpet which has a bell shaped form flowers; Carolina, Silver Bell, Morning Glory, Four O’Clock, Abelia, Trumpet Honeysuckle, Yellow Bell and many more..

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